The Foreign Service Journal, June 2012

J UN E 2 0 1 2 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 49 A F S A N E W S smile onher face,” her daughter, Melissa, fondly recalls. “She was our teacher, dis- ciplinarian, comforter and adviser. She impressed upon us to do our best in everything. She was a very compassion- ate and giving person who especially enjoyed cooking, traveling, long walks, riding bikes and playing soccer. She was also a devout Christian.” Sharon was happy with her new life inNigeria. She particularly enjoyed cook- ing and baking for her co-workers and newfound friends, including host-coun- try nationals. She also loved her visits to neighboring villages to read to the chil- dren. Melissa’s last conversation with her mother took place via Skype on Dec. 20, 2010. “We spokeof herupcomingvisit and howexcitedshewas tomeetmy thirdchild, whowasdueinJanuary2011. Shewaslook- ing forward to her upcoming assignment. Weendedourconversationbysaying,‘Ilove you.’ My mother would have wanted me to tell eachandeveryoneof you thankyou for your love and friendship.” Sharon’snamejoinsthe235othernames inscribed on AFSA’s memorial plaques, which honor Foreign Service employees whohavegiventheir lives inthe lineof duty. We salute their lives and their service. I n July 2011, Daniel Kiang, 67, a retired State Department Foreign Service officer, lost his life to lung cancer. His will established the “Kiang Fund for Excellence”with a $100,000 gift. The fund benefits AFSA’s financial aid scholarship program, bestowing a scholarship annu- ally in perpetuity beginningwith the 2012- 2013 school year. These need-based scholarships are open to children of Foreign Service employees pursuing their undergraduate college degree. Mr. Kiang was born in Shanghai. He spent his childhood in Tokyo and Okinawa, where he graduated fromaU.S. Department of Defense high school. He went on to receive his undergraduate degree at DartmouthCollege, followed by advanced degrees in international rela- tions andChinese history fromColumbia University. Following university,Mr. Kiang served in the U.S. Army for three years. He joined the Foreign Service in 1979 as a political officer in theDepartment of State, spending most of his career in the East Asia and Pacific Bureau. He was assigned to London, Beijing, Shenyang (where he was a member of the team that opened the consulate inMay 1984), Taipei, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Kiang retired in 2004. A longtime devotee of classical music, he studied piano in high school and, while a student at Columbia, attended the MetropolitanOpera as a standee. He fre- quented London’sWest End theater dis- trict, subscribed to the Washington Opera and patronized the city’s ballet. Throughout his illness, Mr. Kiang greatly appreciated the kindness of his friends whowent out of their way tomake his remaining timemore comfortable. He established the scholarship program in recognition of the positive impact the Foreign Service had on his life. Ms. Laura Melanes, an FSO colleague, will coordi- nate Mr. Kiang’s award with AFSA. AFSA President Susan Johnson (left); Lori Dec, AFSA scholarship director; Ian Houston, AFSA executive director; and AFSA Scholarship Com- mittee Chairwoman Ambassador Lange Schermer- horn accept the Kiang Fund for Excellence schol- arship gift. Kiang Fund for Excellence Scholarship Established BY LORI DEC, AFSA SCHOLARSHIP DIRECTOR Plaque • Continued from page 45 Savana Rushing and a friend pay tribute at the AFSA Memorial Plaque bearing her grandmoth- er’s name. Sharon S. Clark’s family meets with AFSA and department officials before the Plaque Ceremony on May 4. PHOTOS BY DONNA AYERST PATRICK BRADLEY