The Foreign Service Journal, June 2013

20 JUNE 2013 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL In fact, one of Congress’ greatest shortcomings is not imposing new restric- tions, but failing to clean up the rabbit warren represented by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, a 400-page piece of legisla- tion that has not been systematically amended since 1985. As a result of patchwork changes over the years, the law contains a bewildering array of 33 goals, 75 priority areas and 247 direc- tives. Instead of complaining about the procedures and laws, U.S. diplomats should take advantage of them, using Congress as the “bad cop” that must be appeased so that the “good cop” ambassador can maintain friendly relations with the host government. The annual reports on human rights, counternar- cotics and religious freedom that embassy staff members have to submit are potential leverage to get host governments to do what they should anyway. It is true that legislative restrictions on shifting money to higher-priority activities, and requirements to give key com- mittees advance notice (and sometimes await their formal approval) before acting, have hampered diplomacy. But Congress has been willing in recent years to allow more flex- ibility. Last year, it approved a $350 million Global Security Contingency Fund to “address rapidly changing, transnational, asymmetric threats and emergent opportunities,” contingent on prior noti- fication of congressional committees. Myth 3: Codels just want to shop. The most com- mon way FSOs encounter members of Congress is when they travel abroad in delega- tions. These visits impose heavy demands on embassy person- nel, who have to spend long hours arranging appointments and providing support. Reality: While some codels do seem to place a priority on visiting tourist sites and shopping, the vast majority are interested in gaining firsthand knowledge of the concerns and challenges facing both the country and the embassy staff there. Instead of begrudging these visits, FSOs should see them as a great target of opportunity. Where else could they find members of Congress untethered to their staff, constituents and lobbyists? Escort officers get hours of face time with the members, not just 15 minutes in their offices. They can show the lawmakers proof of how well U.S. programs are going—or evidence of host-government shortcomings, contrary to what the country’s ambassador in Washington might be telling the Hill. They can educate the visitors, and maybe even persuade them to view some issues differently. Anne Wenikoff State Department FSO Ken Kero-Mentz, a former legislative director in the office of Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher, addresses the audience of congressional staffers at AFSA’s educational session in the Cannon Building. Panelists were: from the left, USAID FSO Jason Singer, Commercial Service FSO Steve Morrison, State Department FSO Elisa Mellinger, Kero-Mentz, keynote speaker Ambassador Charles A. Ray (Ret.) and AFSA President Susan R. Johnson. Dispelling the myths each side perpetuates about the other could benefit both the Foreign Service and Congress.