The Foreign Service Journal, June 2014

50 JUNE 2014 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL AFSA NEWS AFSA USAID Survey: Taking the Pulse of USAID FSOs Thanks to all of you who completed the recent USAID AFSA survey. This 23-ques- tion, electronic survey focused on concerns, com- mendations and assess- ments related to the USAID FSO experience in calendar year 2013. Its purpose is to assemble a picture of the impact of recent changes in the agency, take the pulse of FSOs striv- ing to carry out the agency’s initiatives, and obtain rel- evant data validating current working conditions. In editing the survey ques- tions, I wanted to encourage as many comments and sug- gestions as possible. Those who provided comments added valuable depth to the raw data, helping facilitate more meaningful discussions with agency management. We intend to present the results of the survey and collaborate on action plans for improvement with the Employee Labor Rela- tions Office and the Human Resources and Management Bureaus. The survey results will also be discussed with USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah and Special Represen- tative for the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review Tom Perriello to help in the formulation of USAID priorities. Profile of Respondents The profile of the survey respondents closely coin- cides with the profile data for the agency overall. A majority of respondents (77 percent) are assigned overseas. Fifty-one percent are male, and 49 percent are female. Approximately 50 percent of respondents have been with the agency for less than five years and are at the FS-4 and FS-3 pay levels. Almost 50 percent of respondents have minor children residing with them, and another 3 percent report that they are expect- ing a child. Overall, USAID FSOs are currently trending to a younger cohort, with 56 per- cent of respondents 45 years old or younger. In regard to diversity, 80 percent classify themselves as Caucasian. When compared to national civilian labor force levels, the most under- represented ethnic groups in the USAID Foreign Service are still Hispanic Americans at 6 percent (14 percent in the national labor force) and African-Americans at 8 percent (12 percent in the national labor force). Labor Management Respondents consider three labor management issues to be high priorities for USAID FSOs. They are: “assure equal benefits with State” (63 percent); “improve supervisory skills of FS supervisors” (61 percent); and “increase transparency in the assignments process” (60 percent). These issues combine to produce a negative effect on morale and overall job satisfaction. The trend of the results suggests that these concerns will only intensify. For example, in the responses regarding the inequalities in benefits between agen- cies, 77 percent of those in the 18-31 age group rated the “equalizing of benefits” a high priority, compared to just 54 percent of respon- dents 45 and older. Agencies and the private sector alike appear to be at or near a juncture where they need to re-evaluate past employment practices. Our survey confirms outside research suggesting that the millennial generation’s “soft” needs of flexibility, transpar- ency, collaboration, supervi- sor appreciation and support are now becoming top priori- ties for most members. Issue at Post The only issue at posts that received a high “not sat- isfied” rating (55 percent) is “Consolidation of Administra- tive Services” under ICASS (International Cooperative Administration Support Ser- vices). The ICASS consolida- tion has had enough time to correct previously identified problems; however, USAID FSOs have yet to recognize significant benefits. Major complaints remain regarding its high cost to USAID and the continued poor and unequal customer service in comparison to the services that were previously provided by USAID itself. Support Offices Three offices—Human Resources, Financial Man- agement and Travel and Transportation—have now been tracked over several years. Human Resources. The overall score for the Human Resources Office dropped in this survey. Its “poor” rating increased from 49 percent (2012) to 55 percent (2013). Its “good” rating dropped from 49 percent (2012) to 43 percent (2013). Although the 2012 AFSA survey showed that hopes were rising among some that the change in the HR leader- ship structure in early 2013 would facilitate improve- ments, this survey indicates that such hopes have been dashed. Most respondents reported that, to date, there was no improvement in responsiveness and very limited communication. Financial Management. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer improved its rating from last year. Respon- dents who consider its per- formace “good” rose from 48 percent (2012) to 56 percent (2013). They praised the smoothness of payments to those on ordered departure. Frustrations were expressed, however, on state tax with- holding and new time-and- attendance software.