The Foreign Service Journal, June 2015

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2015 29 only permits but encourages harassment and discrimination, which often leads to violence. Providing External Assistance to Support Local Leadership In many countries, the LGBT community does not have the financial resources or the political clout to defend itself; and in the places where gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are most in need, the broader human rights community often fails to offer meaningful support. With such widespread animosity, the potential for larger-scale arrests, attacks or even the systematic elimination of LGBT persons remains a serious threat. In the absence of local support for these vulnerable popula- tions, only the international community, including the United States, can offer the aid this embattled minority group des- perately needs. U.S. leadership, expressed through a strong, sustained diplomatic effort, is required to reverse the backslid- ing on LGBT rights and to mitigate the threat of widespread violence. This human rights priority will necessitate that the United States government employ its full arsenal of diplomatic tools from robust public diplomacy to foreign assistance. But the persistent challenge for Washington and other external actors is how to best offer support without further inflaming the backlash, or opening indigenous LGBT groups up to accu- sations of being foreign-driven. Recognizing the inherent risk in providing external sup- port, a U.S. LGBT rights promotion strategy must be flexible, not “one size fits all.” Mindful that effective interventions vary widely across the globe, Washington should develop country- specific strategies in partnership with local gay community leaders. Following the lead of local LGBT actors and their allies on these issues is essential, since they are the most credible and persuasive voices within their own communities, and have the most finely tuned cultural and political understanding of the opportunities for LGBT rights promotion in their countries. An approach that seeks to lift up and empower the local gay community also offers the long-term benefit of creating power- ful, sustainable partners who will become less dependent on external assistance over time.