The Foreign Service Journal, June 2015

42 JUNE 2015 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Promoting Disability Diversity at the State Department BY AMANDA J . R I CHARD T he Disability Action Group has been gaining momentum in recent months. With the election of a new board in Decem- ber 2014, DAG has undertaken a nonstop exercise to educate, assist and advocate for State employees with disabilities. While State provides many services to accommodate people with disabilities, most employees are either unaware that they exist, do not realize the process of securing assistance, or are too afraid to self-identify their disability and make the request. As a result, DAG pri- marily serves as a link between diversity employee constitu- encies and the department’s senior management, Office of Civil Rights staff and Human Resources staff. Currently DAG has almost 100 members from various State Department bureaus. This is a testament to the diversity that already exists at the department. As interest in DAG continues to grow, the issues become more apparent. There is clearly a need for employees with both long- and short-term disabilities to understand their rights and receive assistance. While assistance is a primary con- cern, DAG has also been participating in discussions with vari- ous parties regarding issues of reasonable accommodation and general compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Section 508, which requires the federal government to ensure that the electronic and information technology that it develops, procures, maintains or uses is accessible to persons with disabilities. DAG also encourages awareness of Schedule A hiring, which offers win-win advantages to State hiring officers and employ- ees alike. Its existence, however, is largely unknown. Many people do not realize that a disability gives a person noncom- petitive status for Civil Service positions. For example, when hiring a Schedule A, an office with an FTE can go to Selective Placement Coordinator Lana Hiland to see resumes from the Selective Placement Program talent bank. Qualified Schedule A candidates do not have to apply through regular competi- tive procedures and can be hired without a job announcement. Thus with Schedule A hiring, offices can accelerate the process and bring people on board faster. DAG has developed a speaker series with a range of topics aimed at educating the entire State Department on disability diversity. On June 19, the group will host multiple speakers to educate on transitioning to an overseas assignment with a spe- cial needs child, a circumstance which has proved to come with a number of challenges. The group is also proudly celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act here at State in July. Embassies around the world will be celebrating on July 4, but the actual anniversary is July 26. Activities will run throughout the year, including speakers and exhibits that acknowledge how far disability rights have come. DAG’s mission is clear: promoting disability diversity at the Department of State. With that goal in mind, the group is proud to assist in paving the way for disability education and raising aware- ness. For more information about DAG or to find out how to become a member, visit the group’s SharePoint site at http:// collaborate.state.sbu/sites/DAG/ or send an email to DAG- If you would like more information abou t Schedule A hiring, please contact Lana Hiland at HilandLW@ Interested Schedule A applicants should email selec- Amanda J. Richard is a visual information specialist in the Office of Archiving and Access Systems Management in the State Department’s Bureau of Administration. She serves as the 2015 communications and outreach board member for the Disability Action Group at State. Richard was diagnosed at age 7 with progressive sensorineural hear- ing loss. In 2014, at 31 years old, she received a cochlear implant. She hopes to inspire others by proving that having a disability should not hinder quality of life—professionally or personally. On June 19, the group will host multiple speakers to educate on transitioning to an overseas assignment with a special needs child, a circumstance which has proved to come with a number of challenges.