The Foreign Service Journal, June 2016
34 JUNE 2016 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL laws and their companies now use the English term “compli- ance” as a synonym for good business ethics. For example, the website of the Italian company Eni, which was the subject of a major FCPA case in 2010, contains a page entitled “Compliance Program Anti-Corruzione di Eni” (Eni’s Anti-Corruption Compliance Program), which includes sec- tions on third-party due diligence, top-level commitment and Eni’s Code of Business Ethics. In an era in which euphoria over the end of the Cold War has been replaced by hand-wringing over the resurgence of authoritarianism, it is useful to note the development and spread of international consensus on good business practices and anti-corruption. The United States can contribute to these processes by continuing to spread the word about the FCPA and to support international institutions like the OECD Working Group on Bribery. Such strategies cost little political capital, but can have a major effect. n Many recognize that anti- corruption compliance is good for business: internal controls that prevent bribery also help companies avoid internal fraud and embezzlement and unscrupulous business partners. Take AFSA With You! Change your address online, visit us at Or Send changes to: AFSAMembership Department 2101 E Street NW Washington, DC 20037 Moving?
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