The Foreign Service Journal, June 2016

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2016 59 AFSA NEWS AFSA Publications Director/ FSJ Editor Shawn Dorman with AWIU’s Diane Henry. Promoting Careers in International Relations for Women On March 23, the organiza- tion American Women for International Understanding and the Bureau of Human Resources, Office of Recruit- ment, Examination and Employment (HR/REE) co-hosted the second annual Career Opportunities for International Relations Sym- posium at the State Depart- ment. Eighty young women, ranging from high school seniors to young profession- als, attended the event. AWIU promotes woman- to-woman interaction and understanding worldwide. Career panels during the day’s events focused on early career development for both public and private sector job opportunities. Presenters included State Department Deputy Secre- tary for Management and Resources Heather Higgin- bottom, State Department Counselor Kristie Kenney, former U.S. Representative Diane Watson and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Carol Perez, who shared valuable advice on how to become empowered female leaders. AFSA Publications Director Shawn Dorman participated in the “speed networking” session, talking to groups of women about AFSA and the Foreign Ser- vice career. The State Department hosts provided copies of AFSA’s guide to the For- eign Service, Inside a U.S. Embassy: Diplomacy at Work to all symposium attendees. n