The Foreign Service Journal, June 2017

58 JUNE 2017 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT Hannah Morris, a member of household in NewDelhi, worked in the United States and abroad in univer- sity teaching, counseling and admissions prior to earning a doctorate in higher education administration. Presently a member of the writing faculty at Ashoka University in NewDelhi, she also provides college transition consulting services to third culture students preparing to attend college in North America and Europe, and is active in the intercultural education field. W hile many high school seniors spend the sum- mer before college reminiscing with childhood friends and working summer jobs, Foreign Service children are more likely saying final good- byes at post, visiting relatives on home leave, and choosing what to ship in their special UAB (unaccompanied baggage allotment). Repatriating students often feel isolated and lack the support system or knowl- edge to access resources that will help them in their time of need. Few institu- tions offer TCK-focused programming to ease the complexities of repatriating in order to attend college. Students and their families can bridge the gap between what a TCK needs to be successful and inadequate university programming by connecting with their school’s international center; building support systems; scheduling realistic academic schedules; identifying involve- ment opportunities; and developing plans for handling finances, communica- tion and emergencies. Settling into Your New Environment Connect with the international center. International centers are the first resource that returning global nomads should reach out to when transitioning to college in the United States. Ideally, this connection is made before college appli- For Foreign Service third culture kids (TCKs), preparing for college requires more than just attending orientation and buying matching dorm gear. The reality is that while many TCKs are seeking to con- nect with dormmates and other students in the United States, their backgrounds may make it more challenging than they anticipate. Navigating U.S. academic culture, relating to U.S. pop culture—and even answering the seemingly simple ques- tion, “Where are you from?”—means TCKs are dealing with the challenges of repatriation and reverse culture shock while trying to find their place and succeed in their freshman year. From feelings of uncertainty, to searching for a sense of belonging, TCKs often find it challenging to formmeaningful friend- ships with the “American” kids they may have known from visits home or life before the Foreign Service. Few colleges are aware of TCKs or have programming to support them as they transition back to the United States. New College, New Culture Preparing for a Strong First Semester as a Third Culture Kid TCKs deal with repatriation issues and reverse culture shock when they attend college in the United States. Here are some tips for success. BY HANNAH MORR I S