The Foreign Service Journal, June 2017

72 JUNE 2017 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT them, and through what mode of com- munication? (Keep time-zone differences in mind, of course.) WhatsApp groupmessaging or Face- book posts may be all a parent needs to know everything is okay. Scheduling Skype calls based on time zones can be helpful for TCKs who are often used to communi- cating with their parents on a regular basis. Develop an Emergency Plan. Emergency plans aren’t just for go-bags anymore. When emergencies arise, it is important for families to have a plan in place. Decide on a chain of contact in case of student or family emergencies. Who does the student call first in an emergency— the local family friend or the parent overseas? Who will alert the important parties? What events warrant interna- tional or domestic flights from campus (e.g., family member surgery, death in the family)? Students often skip important medical visits due to fear of scheduling appoint- ments and dealing with insurance com- panies, so discuss health insurance plans and ensure students understand how to schedule their own medical services and process their insurance claims (including mental health coverage). Enjoy a Successful and Strong First Semester The recommendations outlined here don’t guarantee a strong first semester. They are meant as a starting point in pre- paring for a successful college experience and should be revisited throughout the semester and, indeed, the first year. As a final note, Tina Quick’s book, The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition , is an excellent addition to the summer reading list for both parents and students. When students arrive on campus excited for the term ahead and ready with ideas on how to build a community and keep their mental health a priority, they are more likely to succeed academically, socially, professionally, emotionally and physically. And once you do finish that first year successfully, pay it back. Join or create organizations to welcome future TCKs, and share the great college experience you’ve worked hard to build. n