The Foreign Service Journal, June 2017

98 JUNE 2017 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT (MED) and Travel and Transportation Manage- ment (TTM). Staff in these offices can answer ques- tions that are not specifi- cally allowance questions, but often come up in the context of allowances. In addition, if readers have a specific question about the DSSR, they can contact us at AllowancesO@ It is probably worth mentioning again that while our office sets policy and rates, we do not control funding; nor are we involved in the reimbursement process. Depending on the allowance, funding usually comes from the regional bureau or a centrally funded account. When it comes to claiming an allow- ance, your human resources officer at post can often help in putting together an application package, while the FMO is often the one responsible for approving reimbursement. FLO’s Education and Youth (E&Y) Team works closely with the Office of Allowances and can help parents find the portion of the DSSR that covers the education allowance. Contact E&Y at FLOAsk, by phone at (202) 647-1076, or online at education. Editor’s Note: The Office of Allowances deals purely with regulations and would not comment on Special Needs Education Allowance processing. The FSJ will run an update on issues surrounding SNEA processing in a future article. n When claiming an allowance, your human resources officer at post can often help in putting together an application package, while the FMO is often the one responsible for approving reimbursement.