The Foreign Service Journal, June 2019

60 JUNE 2019 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT essay, because it closely aligned with his own moral code. Bottom line: If you have your own per- sonal style and approach, use it—as long as your essay (1) shows your passion for learning and shows the college who you are, usually through anecdote, and (2) demonstrates your interest in this college using specifics, not generalities. I can’t resist giving you this last bit of advice: write your essays this summer, before senior year starts. You will not believe the difference in your stress lev- els—and your control over the process— if you start early and work a little each day over the summer. Once classes start, you will be ready to submit those applications and get on with your already very full life. So, use your summer wisely, research- ing your colleges, getting excited about all the experiences you will have in college, and then expressing that enthusi- asm in your essay: “Why this college? I can’t wait to show you!” n You now get the idea: start with your passions, then transition to how those passions will blossomat college. Continued from page 56