The Foreign Service Journal, June 2020
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2020 53 AFSA NEWS AFSAGoverning Board Meeting, April 15, 2020 Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and social-distanc- ing recommendations, the AFSA Governing Board met via teleconference on April 15. The board made the following decisions, which will need to be ratified at the next in-person Governing Board meeting, according to AFSA bylaws. Legal Defense Fund: The board unanimously approved an immediate payment of $9,780 to reimburse the attor- ney fees for an AFSA member pulled into the Southern District of New York and impeachment cases. Legal Defense Fund: The board unanimously approved a $7,200 reimbursement via the legal defense fund for legal costs incurred by four Senior Foreign Service officers working for USAID who filed an Equal Employment Oppor- tunity complaint. Member Dues: The board voted unanimously in favor of submitting a proposal for a referendum on a base dues increase to the Committee on Elections. (Note: According to AFSA bylaws, any proposal to increase dues by more than the Consumer Price Index must be submitted to a referendum and approved by AFSAmembers.) n NEW AFSA BENEF I T: LONG -TERM CAR RENTALS In this time of uncertainty and relocation due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, many AFSA members may need access to a safe means of transportation. AFSA contacted the three car rental companies that already offer AFSA members a discounted rate to request that long-term rentals be included in the discount. All three quickly agreed to honor the 25 percent discount for long-term rentals. As long- term leases are not available online, the discount can be applied only when contacting the rental company by phone. This allows them to confirm that the type of vehicle needed is available at the site for a long-term rental. For more details about how to sign up for these rentals, visit n NEWS BRIEF
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