The Foreign Service Journal, June 2023
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2023 67 N avigating the process of qualifying for the Special Needs Education Allowance (SNEA) can be over- whelming for Foreign Service families. Under- standing the SNEA eligibility process is imperative during the bidding process and while transitioning from school to school overseas; so is knowing the partners who can help ensure your child’s needs are met. If your child has suspected or identified educational needs, work together with overseas medical staff and the Office of Child and Family Programs (CFP) to determine the appropriate edu- cational plan and apply for SNEA, which can help you effectively implement that plan. In June 2020, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an extensive audit of SNEA and made a total of 15 recommenda- tions. Changes include updates to both the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) that governs allowances and benefits for U.S. civilians assigned abroad and to the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM). The November 2022 revisions to DSSR 276.8 and 3 FAM 3280 include clarifying the Bureau of Medical Services (MED)/CFP authorization and appeals process and eligibility requirements, expanding the list of required documentation, spelling out the steps in the SNEA appeal process, listing the expenses that are and are not covered, and changing the methodology for SNEA rate calculations. The Global Community Liaison Office (GCLO) is here to guide parents to the information and resources that will help you understand the available options for meeting your child’s educational needs. Recently, GCLO’s Rebecca McPherson sat down with Dr. Jason Coe, director of Overseas Mental Health Services; Nancy Kelly, CFP Education Program specialist; and Michele Schurtz, CFP program manager/nurse consultant in MED’s Office of Child and Family Programs (MED/CFP) as well as with a team from the Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) to clarify some of these changes. The Expansion of 3 FAM 3283 GCLO: The requirements in 3 FAM 3283 for SNEA eligibility were expanded in November 2022. Why were they expanded, and what are the new eligibility requirements? MED/CFP Team: The OIG identified that our SNEA process was causing confusion. The program needed to be more transpar- ent on how and when to apply for SNEA funding. Some families were not aware that they need to reapply annually for SNEA or that the SNEA authorization is post-, school-, and provider-specific. Of course, this confusion is not what we want. We want access to this program to be as clear as possible, and so we expanded 3 FAM 3283 and clarified eligibility requirements. EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT Rebecca McPherson is the Education and Youth Program specialist at the Global Community Liaison Office. What’s changed with SNEA? The Global Community Liaison Office finds out. BY REBECCA MCPHERSON Special Needs Education Allowances An Update ISTOCK/YULIYASOKLAKOVA
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