The Foreign Service Journal, June 2023

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2023 69 The SNEA appeal process, outlined in 3 FAM3289, provides detail and transpar- ency regarding eligibility, steps to initiate an appeal, the composition of the SNEA Medical Review Panel, and procedures in reviewing cases and determining eligibility. SNEA Allowances GCLO: I understand that the changes to DSSR 274.12 on Special Needs Educa- tion Allowances (SNEA) were a result of an OIG audit. What was the impetus for the OIG audit, and what did it reveal? Office of Allowances (ALS) Team: A number of issues had been reported to the OIG about the SNEA process. During their audit, OIG found that regional bureaus would allocate the full published SNEA amount per child and that posts were utilizing the end-of-year SNEA excess amounts for other post obligations. This is not how the program is sup- posed to operate. The OIG determined that a more rigorous process was neces- sary to make sure the money went where it was intended and that the process would better meet the financial needs of parents applying for the allowances for their children. GCLO: Can you explain what changed in the methodology for calculating SNEA rates? ALS Team: Previously, the “At Post” SNEA rate was an average of U.S. and foreign schools able to address spe- cial needs plus a local transportation component. With the recent changes, the “At Post” SNEA is now equivalent to the DSSR Section 920 “At Post” Education Allowance for the employee’s foreign post of assignment and the child’s grade level. MED/CFP reviews the child’s ILP or equivalent and approves services required in the ILP that may not be