The Foreign Service Journal, June 2024

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JUNE 2024 19 ment distribution for the entire cohort using POST. They can then analyze the results, add any constraints they overlooked, and re-run the algorithm until they’re satisfied with every generalist-toassignment match. This will save CDOs countless hours without sacrificing any of their control over the process. POST can further mitigate gamesmanship if CDOs include restrictions akin to the current second tour “valid/ invalid” bid concept. For context, a valid bid is a potential follow-on assignment for which the FSO is qualified based on myriad factors such as their cone, language qualifications, and the date they’ll depart from their current assignment. CDOs could use POST to eliminate assignment options, such as nonconsular, out-of-cone positions, or those with a report date that would create an unacceptable training timeline. It’s also important to note that Frontline Systems’ Solver, the Microsoft Excel add-in I used to design POST, is simple, trustworthy, and cost-efficient. Solver doesn’t require CDOs to be tech savvy—anyone who knows how to use Excel will be able to use Solver. In addition, because Solver is already in use by the Department of Defense and other federal government agencies, there aren’t any security-related concerns. Furthermore, a subscription to Solver will set the Department of State back only $2,000 each year—a small investment for a tool that could significantly improve retention rates. Beyond Flag Day In its current form, POST is basically a Blackberry circa 1999. But given the resources, a dedicated team could turn POST into a technological wonder that goes beyond merely assigning positions to new FSOs. And, if the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) were to convert its course catalog into an AI program–readable database, POST could use the database to develop the entire cohort’s training schedule, greatly reducing the administrative burden on training officers. In addition, if each FS member’s personnel file could be converted into a database, second-tour bidding could also be redesigned with the AI program automatically presenting first-tour officers with all valid second-tour bidding options available to them, enabling them to rank order those options before a more complex AI version of POST optimizes their second-tour assignments by tranches. This would eliminate the need for entry-level officers to painstakingly identify all their valid bids independently and the entry-level HR team to validate each of them—currently, FSOs must research each available post to propose intricate training timelines for each potential assignment, ensuring they would depart their current assignment on time, complete all required training for the follow-on assignment, and arrive AFSPA AFSPA/Travel Acts Retirement-Life Communities Clements Worldwide FEDS Protection Peake Management, Inc. Property Specialists, Inc. Promax Management Richey Property Management Windecker Financial Planning, LLC. WJD Management Speaking Out is the Journal’s opinion forum, a place for lively discussion of issues affecting the U.S. Foreign Service and American diplomacy. The views expressed are those of the author; their publication here does not imply endorsement by the American Foreign Service Association. Responses are welcome; send them to