The Foreign Service Journal, June 2024

20 JUNE 2024 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL at their next post on time. This system offers fertile ground for human error. An automated training timeline AI could also be implemented across the entire Foreign Service during the bidding process, showing bidders the timelines for all valid permanent change of station (PCS) moves. This would require a dedicated tech-savvy team to implement but would ultimately save FSOs hundreds of thousands of hours departmentwide by automating these laborious processes we’re currently doing manually. A visual explanation of POST can be viewed at POST would be efficient, accurate, transparent, and cost-effective. It may not be as enchanting as the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony, but POST could help the department improve future FSOs’ first major career-shaping event, resulting in fewer tears on Flag Day. While every FSO commits to worldwide deployment, the department, in turn, must tenaciously pursue innovative solutions such as POST to increase employee satisfaction if it hopes to remain competitive in the Generation Z labor market. n This would eliminate the need for entrylevel officers to painstakingly identify all their valid bids independently.