The Foreign Service Journal, June 2024

Cover 1
Contents 5
Focus on AI for Diplomacy 21
New Tools for Better Foreign Policy 21
An AI Primer for Policy Professionals 24
At the Crossroads of Tradition and Innovation with AI 28
Toward Data-Informed Multilateral Diplomacy 31
AI Disruption and Responsible Use in Diplomacy 35
Feature 38
Beyond Scale: Three Steps Toward Modernizing the Foreign Service 38
FS Heritage 40
Henry of the Tower Revisited 40
Education Supplement 53
Beyond Borders: Launching Third Culture Kids 53
Education at a Glance 58
Perspectives 7
President’s Views—Diplomacy Works: Do Our Budgets Reflect That? 7
Letter from the Editor—AI for Diplomacy 9
Speaking Out—The Foreign Service Deserves Its Own Sorting Hat 18
Reflections—MFO: Tipping the Scales in Favor of Stability 76
Local Lens—Los Cobanos, El Salvador 78
Departments 10
Letters 10
Talking Points 12
Books 67
Marketplace 70
Real Estate 70
Classifieds 74
Index to Advertisers 75
AFSA News 44
Inside Diplomacy: DG Talks to AFSA Members 44
AFSA Hosts Road Scholars 44
Shop AFSA! 44
State VP Voice—Advancing Diplomacy for the Next Century 45
USAID VP Voice—Answers for Our Overworked Workforce 46
Retiree VP Voice—Mandatory Retirement: Why Still Age 65? 47
AFSA on the Hill—FY24 Appropriations Outcomes 48
AFSA on Havana Syndrome 49
AFSA Urges Clarity on Flag Restrictions 49
FSJ Welcomes New Associate Editor 50
AFSA Governing Board Meetings, March and April 2024 50
Training for Op-Ed Writing 50
AFSA Webinar—The View from Washington 50
AFSA’s Good Works—Member Advocacy 51