The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2004

10 AFSA NEWS • JULY-AUGUST 2004 AFSA is proud to announce the 20 Foreign Service high school seniors who were selected for the 22 AFSA Merit Awards. These one-time-only awards totaling $23,500 were bestowed onMay 7. Congratulations to these students for their academic and artistic achieve- ments. Winners received $1,500 awards and honor- able mention winners received $500 awards. Judges were members of the Foreign Service community. This year, 55 students competed for the 12 Academic Merit Awards. They were judged on grade point average, SAT scores, essays, letters of recom- mendation, extra-curricular activities and any special circumstances. Fromthe AcademicMerit Award appli- cants, a best essay winner (Ryan Fennerty) and a com- munity service winner (Michelle Christensen) were selected. Fifteen students submitted art merit applications under one of the following categories: visual arts, musi- cal arts, drama and creative writing. Emily Thielmann was selected as the ArtMerit Awardwinner for her novel excerpt and poem submissions in the creative writing category, and Ann Kidder was selected as the Art Merit Award honorablementionwinner for hermixedmedia visual arts submissions. AFSA offers four named scholarships for academ- icmerit, which are awarded to the highest-scoring stu- dents each year. The named scholarships are: Associa- tion of the American Foreign Service Worldwide Scholarship; John and Priscilla Becker Family Scholarship; John C. LearyMemorial Scholarship; and Donald S. and Maria Giuseppa Spigler Scholarship. For more information on the AFSAMerit Awards or the AFSA Scholarship Program, or on how to estab- lish a named scholarship, contact Lori Dec at (202) 944- 5504 or P lease visit our Web site at 2004 AFSA Merit Award Winners Academic Merit Winners ColinCampbell : son of Linda andWilliamCampbell(State); graduate of James Madison High School, Vienna, Va.; attending Yale University. Winner of the John and Priscilla Becher Family Scholarship. Ryan Fennerty : son of Heather and John Fennerty (State); graduate of Saint Andrew’s College, Dublin, Ireland; attending Yale University. Ryanwasalso the AFSA Academic Merit Program’s Best Essaywinner. Jeffrey Julian : son of Anne Packer Julian and Dr. Wayne Julian (State); graduate of AmericanInternationalSchool of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; attending Columbia Univer- sity. Eric Lankenau-Ray : son of Linda Lankenau (USAID) and R.ThomasRay(USAID);grad- uateofInternationalSchoolof Kenya,Nairobi,Kenya;attend- ing Brown University. NastassiaPatin : daughter of Maja and Paul Patin (State); graduate of Walworth Bar- bour American International School in Kfar Shmaryahu, Israel; attending Stanford University. Mollie Ruskin : daughter of Andrea Cohen and Charles Rosenfarb(State);graduateof American School of Johan- nesburg, Pretoria, South Africa; attending Pomona College. Jeremy Wickman : son of PhyllisandStephenWickman (State); graduate of McLean High School, McLean, Va.; attending University of Virginia. Winner of the AAFSW Scholarship. Halley Wuertz : daughter of June Appel and Robert Wuertz (USAID); graduate of International School Manila, Manila,Philippines;attending Brown University. Art MeritWinner EmilyThielmann :daughterof Pam and Gregory Thielmann (State); graduate of HB Woodlawn Secondary Pro- gram,Arlington,Va.;attending Vassar College. Emily was also an AFSA Academic Merit winner, awardedforhernovelexcerpt and poem.