The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2005

12 AFSA NEWS • JULY-AUGUST 2005 AFSA is proud to announce the 23 Foreign Service high school seniors whowere selected as the 2005Merit Awardwinners. These one-time-only awards, totaling $26,750, were bestowed onMay 6. AFSA congratulates these students for their academic and artis- tic achievements. Winners received $1,500 awards and honor- ablementionwinners received $500 awards. The best essay win- ner received $250. Judges were drawn from the Foreign Service community. This year, 61 students competed for the 15 Academic Merit Awards. They were judged on grade-point average, Scholastic Assessment Test scores, essays, letters of recommendation, extra- curricular activities and any special circumstances. From the Academic Merit Award applicants, a best-essay winner (James Donovan) and a community-service winner (ScottWarren) were selected. Sixteen students submitted art merit applications under one of the following categories: visual arts, musical arts, drama or cre- ative writing. Art applicants were judged on their art submission, letters of recommendation and essays. DevinMawdsleywas select- ed as the Art Merit Award winner for his submissions of oil, pas- tel and acrylic. Martin de Vlyder was selected as the Art Merit Award honorable mention winner for his piano submissions. Finally, Nicholas Klinger was selected as the Achievement Award winner. Four academicmerit named scholarships have been established to date, and these awards are bestowed on the highest-scoring students. The recipients of these scholarships were: AaronCurtis, for the Association of the American Foreign Service Worldwide Scholarship; SallyMorgan, for the John and Priscilla Becker Family Scholarship;W. Stuart Symington, for the JohnC. LearyMemorial Scholarship; and Whitney Martin, for the Donald S. and Maria Giuseppa Spigler Scholarship. For more information on the AFSAMerit Awards, the AFSA Scholarship Program, or how to establish a named scholarship, contact Lori Dec at (202) 944-5504, or Pl ease visit our Web site at 2005 AFSA Merit Award Winners IsaacCowell: sonofKarenand Bainbridge Cowell (State); graduate of Carol Morgan School, Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublic;attending Bowdoin College, majoring in humanities. AaronCurtis: recipient of the Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide Academic Merit Scholarship; son of Keith Curtis (FCS) and BertCurtis(State);graduateof Kungsholmen’s Gymnas- ium, Stockholm, Sweden; attending Cambridge or the UniversityofVirginia,majoring in geography or earth science. Aaron Haviland: son of Andrew Haviland (State) and Patricia Haviland; graduate of American Embassy School, NewDelhi,India;attendingthe U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., majoring in physics. Tara Mahoney: daughter of Christopher Mahoney and CarolynCohen (USDAAPHIS); graduate of Carol Morgan School, Santo Domingo, DominicanRepublic;attending The College of William and Mary, majoring in biology. W. Stuart Symington: recip- ient of the John C. Leary Memorial Academic Merit Scholarship; sonofSusanand StuartSymington(State);grad- uate of J.E.B. Stuart High School, Falls Church, Va.; attending Yale University, majoring ineconomics,Japan- ese or film studies. Elaine Tousignant: daughter of Jeanne Porrazzo and Alan Tousignant(State);graduateof the American International SchoolofJohannesburg,South Africa;attendingtheUniversity of Virginia, majoring in gov- ernment and foreign affairs. DanielNeitzke: sonofRonald Neitzke (State) and Jean Neitzke (State); graduate of ThomasJeffersonHighSchool of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Va.; attending the UniversityofVirginia,majoring in philosophy. Brendan Owen: son of Michael Owen (State) and Annerieke Owen–Huisman (State); graduate of the International School of Tang- anyika, Dar es Salaam, Tan- zania; attending Princeton University, majoring in com- puterscienceandinternational relations. JoelPattison: sonofStephen Pattison (State) and Carolyn Johnson (State); graduate of Lancing College,West Sussex, United Kingdom; attending YaleUniversity,majoringinhis- tory. Devin Mawdsley: AFSA Art Merit winner; son of Christo- pher Mawdsley (State) and ValerieMawdsley(State);grad- uate of George C. Marsh- all High School, Falls Church, Va.; attending The College of WilliamandMary,majoringin international relations, lan- guages or philosophy. Academic Merit and Art Merit Winners