The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2005

JULY-AUGUST 2005 • AFSA NEWS 13 WhitneyMartin: recipient of the Donald S. Spigler and Maria Giuseppa Spigler Academic Merit Scholarship; daughter of Kristen Williams and Thomas Martin (State); graduateofTheMaretSchool, Washington, D.C.; attending Stanford University, majoring in psychology. ScottWarren: son of Randee and Glenn Warren (State); graduate of the American International School, Quito, Ecuador; attending Brown University, majoring in inter- national relations. Scott also received the Community Service Award. James Warlick III: son of James, Jr.Warlick (State) and MaryWarlick(State);graduate of St.AlbansSchool,Washing- ton, D.C.; attending Yale University,majoring inbiology or English. AndreaZvinakis: daughter of Anh and Dennis Zvinakis (USAID); graduate of Inter- national School Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Thailand; attend- ing University of California – Berkeley,majoring inbusiness administration. John Miller: son of Thomas Miller (State) and Eleni Miller (State); graduate of George C. Marshall HighSchool, Ankara, Turkey;attendingUniversityof Maryland, majoring in inter- national business. SallyMorgan: recipientofthe John and Priscilla Becker FamilyAcademicMeritScholar- ship; daughter of Francilla Morgan and Thomas Morgan (State); graduate of Langley High School, McLean, Va.; attendingVirginiaTech,major- ing in geosciences. Academic Merit Honorable Mention Winners — $500 AndrewDeWitt: sonofGloriaandRobertDeWitt(State); graduate of Shanghai American School, China; attend- ing Brigham Young University, major undecided. AndreaGriffiths: daughterofJeanneandRobertGriffiths (State); graduate of the International School of Beijing, China;attendingBrighamYoungUniversity,doublemajor- ing in economics and Chinese. Eric Sheely: son of Julie and John Sheely (State); grad- uate of JamesMadisonHigh School, Vienna, Va.; attend- ing Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, majoring in inter- national relations. AFSA Achievement Award Nicholas Klinger: son of Gene Klinger (State) and Lin Carroll (State); graduate of Gaithersburg High School, Gaithersburg, Md.; attending Marshall University in Huntington, W. Va., majoring in theater and journalism. Art Merit Honorable Mention Winner MartindeVylder: son of ChristinaHoffman andWilliam Pope (State); graduate of West Springfield High School, Springfield, Va.; college choice pending. Best-Essay Winner JamesDonovan: son of Mei ChouDonovan and Joseph Donovan (State); graduate of George C. Marshall High School,Vienna,Va.;attendingTheCollegeofWilliamand Mary, pursuing a liberal arts degree. To read James Donovan’sessay,pleasevisit cfm. PMA Presents AFSA with $3,700 check On May 6, in honor of the 37th anniversary of the Public MembersAssociationoftheForeignService,PMApresentedacheck for $3,700 to AFSA to be awarded under the AFSA Financial Aid Scholarship Program. This award was given in memory of Ambassador Paul Henry Nitze, a longtime PMAmember whose senior government posts spanned nearly half a century and eight presidents. TheAFSAScholarshipFundhasbestowedaPMAschol- arship every year since 1992 on a college junior or seniormajoring in foreign affairs who is a child of a Foreign Service employee. Scholarship winners who attended the May 6 ceremony. Back row from left: John Limbert, AFSA President; David Neitzke; James Donovan; Devin Mawdsley; Ambassador Edward Dillery, AFSA Committee on Education Chairman; Mrs. Terri Williams, AAFSW Past President; Mr. William Pope, Martin de Vlyder’s father; and Mary and James, Jr. Warlick, Jamie Warlick’s parents. Front row seated: Sally Morgan; J.R. Lanzet; W. Stuart Symington; Nicholas Klinger; and Whitney Martin. From left: Nadia Bobb, 2004/05 AFSAFinancialAidPMAScholarship Recipient; Nick Frankhouser, PMA ScholarshipDirector; andAmbass- ador Edward Dillery, Chairman of theAFSACommittee onEducation, at PMA’s 2005 annual luncheon at the State Department.