The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2006
and Beta Kappa Chi (National Scien- tific Society). Dr. Reed was predeceased by his wife, Mattye Marie Scott Reed, whom he married in 1942. He leaves behind three daughters, Edwarda Johnson, Carol Reed and Bernetiae Reed, of Greensboro; four grandchildren, Luci- en Johnson of Falls Church, Va., Kimberly Johnson of Irving, Texas, Yewande Johnson of Washington, D.C., and William Johnson of Oakton, Va.; numerous nieces and nephews and many other relatives and friends. Memorial contributions may be made to The Heifer Project Inter- national, 1015 Louisiana Street, Little Rock AR 72202, or The Church World Service, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart IN 46515. Edward E. Rice , 97, a retired FSO, died on April 13 in Tiburon, Calif. Born in Saginaw, Mich., Mr. Rice attended the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, the University of Illi- nois in Urbana-Champaign (including post-graduate work) and the National University of Mexico. Mr. Rice passed the Foreign Service exam in 1932, but due to the Great Depression no new appoint- ments were made until 1935. In those days the Foreign Service was still dominated by men from the eastern part of the U.S., many with a Euro- centric orientation. With his Mid- western background, Mr. Rice was ready for something else: when offered the opportunity to become a Chinese-language officer, he eagerly accepted. China would be a constant theme in his career and into retire- ment: he was probably the last among the American “China hands” who began their careers before World War II. Mr. Rice was a language attaché in Peiping (as it was then known) from 1935 to 1937. Posts in Canton, Foochow, Chungking, with details to Lanchow and Sian, followed. After World War II, he served in the office of Chinese and then Philippine affairs, and had a posting to Manila. He attended the National War College in 1951-1952, followed by an assignment as consul general in Stuttgart. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Mr. Rice was deputy director of personnel, a J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 57 I N M E M O R Y
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