The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2006

O nMay 5, fourmore colleagueswho died in the line of duty while serv- ing their country overseas were honored during the AFSA Memorial PlaqueCeremony, heldonForeignAffairs Day. They are: Barbara C. Heald, Keith E. Taylor, Stephen E. Sullivan and David E. Foy. The new names have been added to the plaque andwere unveiled by Secretary Condoleezza Rice and AFSA President J. Anthony Holmes. There are now 222 names inscribed on theMemorial Plaque, which were established by AFSA in 1933. T heAmericanForeignServiceAssociation is proud to announce theAFSAAwardwin- ners for 2006. They were honored at a June 22 ceremony in the Benjamin Franklin Diplomatic ReceptionRoomat the Department of State. AFSAplaces great empha- sis on these awards, which recognize intellectual courage and outstanding achievement in the Foreign Service. AmbassadorMortonAbramowitz was selected for the 2006 AFSAAward for Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy. James Schlesinger presented the award to Amb. Abramowitz at the ceremony. See the profile and interview on p. 30 of this issue and look for coverage of the awards ceremony in the September AFSANews. Articles about the award winners follow in this issue of AFSA News. AFSA greatly appreciates the efforts of all those who sent in nominations or served on a selectionpanel this year. We also extendwarmthanks to the director general for co-spon- soring the annual awards ceremony. CONSTRUCTIVE DISSENT AWARDS For over 30 years, AFSA has been hon- oringmembers of the Foreign Service who have the intellectual courage toquestion the status quo and take a stand, no matter the sensitivity of the issue or the consequences of their actions. The following Foreign Service employees received this year’sAFSA awards for intellectual courage, initiative and integrity in the context of constructive dis- sent, for speaking out and challenging the system fromwithin. TheChristianA.HerterAward, forasenior- level Foreign Service officer: Ambassador Michael E. Guest , current dean of the Foreign Service Institute’s Leadership and Management School. TheWilliamR. Rivkin Award , for a mid- levelForeignServiceofficer: RichardS.Sacks , political counselor at Embassy Panama. The W. Averell Harriman Award , for an entry-level ForeignService officer: Christo- pher C. Allison , vice consul at Consulate Chennai. TheTexHarrisAward ,foraForeignService specialist: Kevin B. Morgan , budget and resources officer at Embassy Minsk. EXEMPLARY SERVICE AWARDS These awards recognize exemplary per- formance and extraordinary contributions toprofessionalism,morale andeffectiveness. TheDelavanAward , for extraordinary con- tributions by an office management spe- cialist: Malgorzata “Gosia”Lamot at Em- bassy Kuwait; Runner-up: Linda Ingalls at Embassy Pretoria. The M. Juanita Guess Award , for out- standing service as a community liaisonoffi- cer: MartineMcKinnie at EmbassyYaoun- de; Runner-up: ShelleyWooley at Embassy Brasilia. AFSA SPECIAL AWARDS OF APPRECIATION AFSApresentedaspecialawardofappre- ciation to retiring Senator Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., in acknowledgement of his strong support for the Foreign Service during his 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate. Aspecial awardof appreciationwas also presented to AmbassadorL.BruceLaingen inrecognitionof hismany years of dedicated service as chairman of the AFSAAwards & Plaque Committee. American Foreign Service Association • July-August 2006 AFSA Award Winners Honored This Issue in Brief: VP STATE: PATRONAGE.....................67 VP USAID: ADIOS ...............................68 AFSA AWARD WINNERS....................68 DAY ON THE HILL...............................76 STAMPS OF APPROVAL .....................77 SCHOLARS..........................................78 IRAQ SERVICE INCENTIVES ...............80 AFSA NEWS FOREIGN AFFAIRS DAY 2006 Four Names Added to Memorial Plaque Continued on page 75 Secretary Rice offers condolences to the families of the honorees at the AFSA Plaque Ceremony. J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 0 6 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 65 MIKKELA THOMPSON