The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2006

J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 0 6 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 75 A F S A N E W S The Honorees David E. Foy , a facilities manager at ConsulateKarachi,waskilledbyacarbomb onMarch2, 2006, as hewas about to enter the consulate on his way to work. After a 21-year career in theNavy, Foy had joined the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations in2003, andwas onhis second tour of duty. Stephen E. Sullivan , Diplomatic Security Special Agent, was killed in a car bombing inMosul, Iraq, onSept. 19, 2005. He was serving as acting regional security officer for the Regional Embassy Office in Mosul, andwas part of a chief-of-mission motorcade that was attacked. BarbaraC. Heald , a civilian employee of the Army’s Project and Contracting Office, was killed on Jan. 29, 2005, while working at her desk, by a rocket that hit the U.S. embassycomplex inBaghdad. Shehad volunteered for service in Iraq after retir- ing from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, andwas onher third tour there when she was killed. Lieutenant Commander Keith E. Taylor , a Navy reservist, was killed in the Jan. 29, 2005, rocket attackon the embassy complex inBaghdad. Hewas the chief con- tractingofficer for transportationandcom- munications for the Army’s Project and Contracting Office. Amb. Holmes welcomed the family members of the honorees and other guests, numberingover 200. “To their fam- ilies and friends gathered here,” said Holmes, “I expressmydeepest gratitude for the contributions that your lovedones have made for our nation. But I also want to acknowledge the sacrifices that you have made, and the pain and loss that youhave endured. Please be assured that we will never forget what they have done.” Following the presentation of the col- ors by aUnitedStatesArmedForcesColor Guard, Sec. Rice spoke about each of the four honorees and read a message from President George Bush. The message included the following: “Across our nation and around theworld, members of the Foreign Service, Civil Service andForeignServiceNationalswork to improve lives, advance prosperity and protect ourhomeland. As they support our country, these individualsmake great sac- rifices and, of course, some have paid the ultimate price. ... We honor the Foreign Service members who lost their lives this past year ... I appreciate the members of the American Foreign Service Association for their support of the men and women who face danger to protect our citizens.” In his remarks, Holmes said that the individuals being honored “voluntarily embarkedonverydifficultmissions toserve their country in extremely dangerous places—Iraq andPakistan. They did not consider themselves heroes. ... The men andwomen intheForeignService facegreat risks and serious hardships everyday invir- tually every post in which they serve. The same is true for our colleagues fromother U.S. government agencies servingoverseas. However, despite the danger, they contin- ue to go forth with dedication and deter- mination, united intheirdesire toserve their nation and tomeet the demands of service in a turbulent and uncertain world.” Guests at the ceremony includedActing Director General of the Foreign Service John O’Keefe, USAID Administrator Randall Tobias, Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Richard Griffin, FAS Administrator Michael Yost, Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass.), and representatives for Rep. G.K. Butterfield (R-S.C.), and for Sen. JohnWarner, (R-Va.), amongmany others. After the official ceremony, Sec. Rice greeted the family members and offered personal condolences. The plaque cere- monywas followedby ForeignAffairsDay seminars sponsored by the State Depart- ment. After the conclusionof theday’spro- grams, AFSA hosted a reception and an- nounced the annual AFSAMerit Scholar- ship winners. Foreign Affairs Day • Continued from page 65 AFSA President J. Anthony Holmes and Secretary Rice at the Plaque Ceremony. Retiree Coordinator Norma Reyes greets Foreign Affairs Day attendees at the AFSA table. Newest additions to the AFSA Memorial Plaque are unveiled. MIKKELA THOMPSON MIKKELA THOMPSON MIKKELA THOMPSON