The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2006

76 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 0 6 O n May 4, the day before Foreign Affairs Day, 35 retired and active-duty membersof theU.S. ForeignService, joined by AFSA Governing Board members andstaffers, visited29con- gressional offices during AFSA’s sixth annual Day on the Hill pro- gram. The intrepid volunteers, representing nine states (Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, NewHampshire,NewJersey,Ohio, Virginia and Washington) and the District ofColumbia, helpedconvey the message that the Foreign Service, though it serves abroad, has a constituency at home that must not be neglected. AFSA’s overall theme for Day on the Hill focused on how each of our legislative proposals com- plements Secretary Rice’s trans- formational diplomacy initiative. By taking this approach, AFSA demonstrated the role it plays vis- à-vis the State Department and the men and women serving in our diplo- matic missions. DuringmeetingsontheHill,AFSApar- ticipantshighlighted issuesof importance to the Foreign Service, such as the need for enactment of overseas comparability pay, which would create pay equity for For- eign Service members serving overseas. Currently, Foreign Service members at FS-1andbelowreceivea17-percentpaycut when they leaveWashington, a clear disin- centiveforoverseasservice. Participantsalso highlighted theneed to improve themech- anisms for rehiring Foreign Service annui- tants (under the WAE program), which would give the Secretarymore flexibility to rebalanceandtransformthenation’sdiplo- matic posture around the globe. Participants called onCongress to fully fund the president’s international affairs budget request. As AFSA President J. AnthonyHolmesstatedinaNationalPublic Radio interview, “We cannot be a super- power on a shoestring. ... The administra- tion needs to work with the Congress [to give thenecessary] resources ... to transform the Secretary’s vision of transformational diplomacy into a meaningful reality.” AFSA also highlighted several issues of topconcerntoretireemembers. While rec- ognizing that the currentCongresshas kept a low profile on retiree issues (perhaps to avoidupsetting an important blockof vot- ers),AFSAhas vigorously supportedseveral billswhichprovide relief to the checkbooks of retired federal employees. AFSARetiree Coordinator Bonnie BrownandLegislative AffairsDirectorKenNakamurakeepasharp eyeonproposals that couldnegativelyaffect retirees, suchas the administration’s call to introduceHealthSavingsAccounts into theFederal EmployeesHealth Benefits Plan. After a brunch briefing on the issues at AFSA headquarters, par- ticipants were taken by bus to the Hill and gathered in a House International RelationsCommittee hearing room. Guest speakers, EleanorNagy, directorof policy for theHIRCSubcommitteeonAfrica, Global Human Rights and InternationalOperations, andScott Thayer, staffer for Senator John Sununu, R-N.H., spoke of the atmospherics on the Hill. Thayer and Nagy, FSOs working on Capitol Hill as Pearson Fellows, were able to offer unique insights. Following the plenary session, the participants dispersed into smaller groups to visit the offices of their elected officials. Over 20 Virginianparticipants packed into the offices of Senators George Allen, R-Va., and JohnWarner, R- Va., to show their support for the Foreign Service. AFSARetireeVicePresidentDavid E. Reuther enjoyed meeting a hometown senator, Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. And AFSAmemberVernPenner, undeterredby the fact thatAFSAstaffers hadbeenunable to secure ameeting with one of his elected officials, showed up at the office of Rep. Wayne Gilchrest, R-Md., and struck up a conversation with the congressman. AFSA’s legislative strategy encompass- es anumber of efforts,withDayon theHill being themost high-profile andgrass-roots oriented. The program’s success depends on a strong and enthusiastic turnout by members and non-members alike. Using themomentumcreatedbyDayontheHill, AFSAcontinues advocatingonbehalfof the menandwomenof theForeign Service all year. A F S A N E W S DAY ON THE HILL 2006 Taking the Voice of the Foreign Service to Capitol Hill BY AUSTIN TRACY, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE AFSA PRESIDENT From top, clockwise: AFSA Legislative Affairs Director Ken Nakamura wel- comes participants to Capitol Hill. Departure from AFSA headquarters. AFSA Retiree VP David Reuther with Senator Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. PHOTOS BY MIKKELA THOMPSON