The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2006

J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 0 6 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 77 F or the first time, U.S. postage stamps bear the faces of career diplomats. Six commemorative stamps, “Distin- guishedAmericanDiplomats,” were ded- icated at a special U.S. Postal Service cer- emony on May 30 at the Washington, D.C., Convention Center as part of the World Philatelic Exhibition. The stamps honor Hiram “Harry”BinghamIV, Charles E. Bohlen, PhilipC. Habib, Robert D.Murphy, CliftonR.Wharton, Sr. and Frances E. Willis. These diplomatsmade significant con- tributions to international rela- tions as negotiators, administra- tors, trailblazers, shapers of pol- icy, peacemakers and humani- tarians. AFSA is proud to see them bring national attention to the accomplish- ments of the Foreign Service. The stamps were the culmination of almost a decade of collaboration among AFSA, theUSPS, the StateDepartment and other organizations. In attendance at the ceremonywereAFSAPresident J. Anthony Holmes, AFSACommunicationsDirector Tom Switzer, USPS Board of Governors member John S. Gardner and State Department Civil Service officer John Hotchner, an avid stamp collector who serves on the USPS committee that advis- es the postmaster general on new stamps andplayedakey role inseeking the issuance of the diplomat stamp series. James C.Miller, chairmanof theUSPS BoardofGovernors, officiallydedicated the stamps. “All of these diplomats served in different parts of theworld, yet they shared a commonpassion for service—a passion that sometimes put them in harm’s way. ... It is because these accomplished diplo- mats took so much pride in their service to our nation that they have inspired gen- erations of diplomats—each one dream- ing of how he or she can, like them, make a difference. These sixdiplomats represent what it means to be an American.” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice offered remarks via videotape. “It is the memoryof thesegreat diplomats that serves as a source of strength and inspiration for all who use diplomacy today to build a future of peace and hope,” she said. “By honoring the memory of the past, we are better able to face the future.” The highlight of the special ceremony was when the diplomats’ familymembers reflected on their loved ones. Those who spoke were Robert Kim Bingham, son of HiramBingham; Avis Bohlen, daughter of Charles E. Bohlen; SusanMichaels, daugh- ter of Philip C. Habib; Mildred Pond, daughter of Robert D. Murphy; Dr. Clifton R. Wharton Jr., son of Clifton R. Wharton Sr.; and Sherene Gravatte, great niece of Frances E. Willis. They all spoke highly of the Foreign Service in highlight- ing the achievements of the honorees. Representative Robert Simmons, R- Conn., attended the ceremony especially to pay tribute to Harry Bingham. Simmons, himself anavid stamp collector, took part in the dedi- cationceremony, proudlypulling the stamps out of his jacketwhile making his remarks. He distin- guishedBinghamfromtheother fivehonorees, noting that “Bing- hamwas not a success. He was not the first of anything. Hewas not an architect of some great foreignpolicy. In fact, he left the Foreign Service under a bit of a cloud. ... [YetBingham] sawand recognized the face of evil. He knew it was wrong, and worked in the only way he knew.” While serving as a consular officer in Marseilles from 1939 to 1941, Bingham defied orders, issuing over 2,500 life-sav- ing visas to Jews andanti-Nazi activists. He was not recognized for hisworkduringhis lifetime, but receivedaposthumous dissent award from AFSA in 2002, which then- Secretary of State Colin Powell presented to his family. AFSA greatly appreciates Robert Kim Bingham’spositive remarks about theorga- nization. Binghamsaid that his fatherwas “always proud to receive mailings from AFSA.” Bingham noted his appreciation for the AFSA award for his father, which represented the first time Bingham’s courageous actionswere recognized at the State Department. The “Distinguished American Diplo- mats” ceremony drew positive media coverage for the Foreign Service and for AFSA. Stories ranonCBSNews andCNN, and in The Washington Post and The Washington Times. A F S A N E W S STAMPS OF APPROVAL Career Diplomats Honored with First Postage Stamps BY EIRENE BUSA, EDITORIAL INTERN The “Distinguished American Diplomats” stamp series AFSA President J. Anthony Holmes (right) with State Department Civil Service officer John Hotchner at the stamp ceremony. AUSTIN TRACY