The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2006

J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 0 6 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 79 A F S A N E W S Laura Downes: daughter of Robert (State) and Sara Downes;graduateofWakefield High School, Arlington, Va.; attending University of Pitts- burgh,majoringintheaterarts; recipient of the AFSA Priscilla and John Becker Family Aca- demic Merit Scholarship. Theresa Smyth: daughter of Janice (State) and Richard (State) Smyth; graduate of South Lakes HighSchool, Res- ton, Va.; attending theUniver- sityofVirginia,majoringinbiol- ogy;recipientoftheAFSAJohn C. Leary Memorial Academic Merit Scholarship. ChristianTernus: son of Mary (State) and Scott (State) Tern- us; graduate of Munich Inter- national School, Starnsberg, Germany;attendingtheMassa- chusetts Institute of Technol- ogy,majoring in computer sci- ence and astrophysics; recipi- ent of the AFSA Joanna and RobertMartinAcademicMerit Scholarship. Art Merit Winner Benjamin McAllister: son of Paul McAllister and Susan Domowitz(State);graduateof the American School in Lon- don, England; attending Tow- sonUniversity in Towson, Md. Benjamin won for his eupho- nium performance musical arts submission. Melinda Kilner: daughter of Jan and Scott (State) Kilner; graduate of St. Stephen’s School, Rome, Italy; attending Stanford University, majoring in English; recipient of the AFSA Joanna and Robert Martin Academic Merit Sch- olarship. Eva Kolker: daughter of Ambassador Jimmy Kolker (State) and Britt-Marie Fors- lund; graduate of United World College, Montezuma, N.M.;attendingBrownUniver- sity, majoring in economics. Academic Merit Honorable Mention Winners JanelleBarth: daughterofDeborahandPhil(State) Barth; graduate of W. T. Woodson High School, Fairfax, Va.; attendingDukeUniversity, majoring in mechanical engineering. KatherineSchroeder: daughter of Anne Callaghan (State) and Robert Schroeder; graduate of Colegio Nueva Granada, Bogota; attending the University of Virginia. JuliaWohlers: daughterofMaryJoandPaul(State) Wohlers; graduate of NOVA International School, Skopje, Macedonia; attending Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga. Julia is the winner of the AFSA Best Essay Award (essay posted at www. . Art Merit Honorable Mention Winner StephanieKranstover: daughterofAnneLewandow- ski and Peter Kranstover (USAID, retired); gradu- ate of W. T. Woodson High School, Fairfax, Va.; attending Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Va., majoring in art and art history. Stephaniewonforhercharcoaldrawingsandacrylic painting submissions. PMA Presents $3,800 Award to AFSA O nMay4, at the annualmeeting inhonor of the38thanniver- sary of the Public Members Association of the Foreign Service, PMApresented a check for $3,800 toAFSA for the AFSA Scholarship Fund. This check will be used as a scholarship under theneed-basedAFSAFinancial AidScholarshipProgramand will be bestowed on a junior or senior majoring in foreign affairs in the 2006-2007 academic year. Shown here at PMA’s luncheon are, from left, AFSA Scholarship Director Lori Dec, PMA Scholarship Coordinator Nick Frankhouser and PMA President Betty Duckert. Scholarship Winners Honored The 2006 AFSAMerit Award winners who attended the May 5 reception in their honor are shown here with AFSA President J. Anthony Holmes. Back row, from left: David Bertsch, Richard Brown, Alexandra Noyes, Katherine Rock and J. Anthony Holmes; front row, from left: Laura Downes, Stephanie Kranstover, Matthew Dantas-McCutcheon and Janelle Barth. MIKKELA THOMPSON