The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2007
18 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 7 n 1993 and 1994, I led an interagency delegation on several missions to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus to help these countries dismantle their nuclear arsenals and tighten controls over fissionable materials. The agreements we negotiated reduced the chances that the weapons systems they had inherited when the Soviet Union collapsed could be sold or stolen — a threat our experts identified as one of the most serious the United States faced. F O C U S O N N O N P R O L I F E R A T I O N N EEDED : A N EW N UCLEAR C ONTRACT T HE NUCLEAR “ HAVES ” SHOULD OFFER MEANINGFUL INCENTIVES TO THE “ HAVE - NOTS ” TO FORGO SUCH WEAPONS . B Y J AMES E. G OODBY I Julia Vaskar
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