The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2008

P R O F I L E A T IRELESS A DVOCATE FOR THE F OREIGN S ERVICE : T HOMAS D. B OYATT / 13 Last month AFSA recognized the retired ambassador’s many contributions to American diplomacy and his lifetime of public service. By Steven Alan Honley F O C U S O N A f g h a n i s t a n S ALVAGING THE A FGHANISTAN V ENTURE / 23 To recover its investment in stabilizing Afghanistan, Washington must focus on fostering effective governance. By Edmund McWilliams PRT S IN A FGHANISTAN : A R EPORT FROM THE I NSIDE / 31 The challenges for American policy in Afghanistan, where the Provincial Reconstruction Team concept was born, remain formidable. By Bruce Rogers, Jim Hope and Robert Kemp NATO AND A FGHANISTAN : M ADE FOR E ACH O THER ? / 36 The Afghanistan theater of operations is proving to be a critical test of NATO’s capacities. By William Maley T HE P AKISTAN P IECE OF THE P UZZLE / 41 Afghanistan’s contentious relationship with its next-door neighbor is a critical element in its continuing troubles. By Frederic Grare F S H E R I T A G E “G RACE U NDER P RESSURE :” J OHN P ATON D AVIES / 46 Two threats a decade apart — one physical, the other political — severely tested China hand John Davies. By Bob Rackmales F E A T U R E S PRING IN P RAGUE — 40 Y EARS A GO / 53 An eyewitness to the short-lived Czechoslovak reform movement’s tragic denouement in August 1968 assesses its legacy. By Kenneth N. Skoug C ONTENTS July-August 2008 Volume 85, No. 7-8 Cover and inside illustration by Nenad Jakesevic P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 Work Requirements By John K. Naland R EFLECTIONS / 92 On a Hilltop in Venezuela By Amanda Eckerson L ETTERS / 6 C YBERNOTES / 10 M ARKETPLACE / 11 B OOKS / 75 I N M EMORY / 78 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 90 J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F