The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2008

wife, Ginger, of Walnut Creek, Calif., Paul and his wife, Jackie, of Falls Church, Va.; and nine grandchildren. Cynthia Eagles Hodgson , a for- mer FS spouse and education officer in the Family Liaison Office, died on May 6 in Cornwall, Vt. Born in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., she attended Master’s School in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. After graduating from Centenary College, she worked as a model at Saks Fifth Avenue. With her first husband, FSO Robin Porter, Mrs. Hodgson served at diplomatic posts in Manila, Port-au- Prince, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Mos- cow and Kiev. Between stints over- seas, the family lived in Bethesda, Md. Her many interests ranged from being a docent for the National Zoo and the National History Museum to volunteering for Maryland Fair Hous- ing and Headstart D.C. and serving as an administrator at different times for the American League of Anglers, the American University Psychology De- partment, the Clean Water Fund, the Association for the Care of Children’s Health and the Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum. Mrs. Hodgson taught at the Hai- tian-American Institute, tutored blind Filipino high school students and con- ducted a series of English as a Second Language classes on educational TV in Manila. In Moscow, she taught nursery school and presented a grad- uate seminar in contemporary Ameri- can literature at the state university. In Kiev, she assisted in establishing the first U.S. consular presence in Ukraine. After her last overseas post- ing, she worked as the education offi- cer for the State Department’s Family Liaison Office, all the while raising her four children. In 1988, she married Richard Hodgson. The couple moved to Cape Cod and enjoyed operating a bed and breakfast for 15 years. After serving as an educator for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, she developed her own animal and environmental study pro- gram for elementary schools. She also opened a retail store, Creature J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 81 I N M E M O R Y u AFSA Book Store Here’s how it works: 1. Go to the AFSA Web site, . 2. Click on the Marketplace tab (second brown tab from the right). 3. Click on the “AFSA and Amazon Books” icon. 4. Click on “FS Authors” and then go directly to book listings by subject. 5. Shop away! Not only is this a thrifty, efficient way to do your holiday shopping, but AFSA receives a 5-percent commission from Amazon on every item (books, CDs, toys, etc.) ordered in this manner. Books selected from the AFSA Web site book- store generate an even higher commis- sion payment. And ordering through AFSA doesn’t cost you a cent. So book- mark the AFSA site, use the link and help your association — and yourself! u