The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2008

eral books, including Diplomacy Under a Foreign Flag: When Nations Break Relations (Georgetown Univer- sity Institute for the Study of Diplo- macy, 1990), The Soviet Brigade in Cuba (Indiana University Press, 1987), The Diplomacy of Human Rights (University Press of America, 1986), Diplomacy and the American Demo- cracy (Indiana University Press, 1988), and The Imperial Mantle: The United States, Decolonization, and the Third World (Indiana University Press, 2001). He also published numerous journal articles and was a regular columnist for the Christian Science Monitor. In 1989, Amb. Newsom launched the Diplomatic Record , published annually by Westview Press for the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, and edited it for two years. Prior to his death, he completed his memoirs, scheduled for publication in late 2008. In his own words, “During the period covered by this memoir (1918–2008), significant changes have taken place in the international scene. I have been a witness to most and a partici- pant in many.” He was the recipient of numerous honors, including the Rockefeller Public Service Award, the State Department’s Meritorious Service Award (1958), the Foreign Service Cup (1987) and the Lifetime Contri- butions to AmericanDiplomacy Award of the American Foreign Service Association (2000). Amb. Newsom is survived by his wife of 65 years, Jean; five children: John of Seattle, Wash., Daniel of Bos- ton, Mass., Nancy of Geneva, Cather- ine of Philadelphia, Pa., and David K. of Potomac, Md.; and nine grandchil- dren. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Foreign Ser- vice Association Scholarship Fund, 2101 E Street NW, Washington DC 20037, or to the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Newsom Junior Fellowship in Diplomacy, 1316 36th Street NW, Washington DC 20007. Richard Charles Schoonover , 70, a retired FSO with USIA, died on March 12 in Chapel Hill, N.C., after J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 85 I N M E M O R Y u u