The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2009

J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 Past, Present and Future By John K. Naland S PEAKING O UT / 14 Regaining Relevance: Five Steps to Strengthen State By William I. Bacchus R EFLECTIONS / 68 “Send Money or Will Sell Body” By Virginia Young L ETTERS / 6 C YBERNOTES / 10 M ARKETPLACE / 13 B OOKS / 61 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 66 Cover and inside illustration by Janet Broxon F O C U S O N F S F i c t i o n T HE R OADS A RE C LOSING / 18 An improbable liaison that didn’t fit into his master plan haunts an aging diplomat. By Patricia McArdle I GLOO OF H AIRLESS W INOS / 23 Language barriers pose a particularly thorny problem for Chargé d’Affaires Linus Handy. By Brian Aggeler T HE D AY THE A MERICAN E MBASSY B URNED / 28 Her father had shown her the world, but she never really saw him. And now he might be gone — forever. By Victoria Montes O N THE R OAD TO C APE T OWN / 34 An American hitchhiker travels through the moral darkness of apartheid. By Richard Sacks F S H E R I T A G E L UCIUS B ATTLE : S HAPER OF THE P OSTWAR F OREIGN S ERVICE / 40 Battle has never received the credit he deserves for helping to transform the State Department. By Bob Rackmales J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 9 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 C ONTENTS July-August 2009 Volume 86, No. 7-8