The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2010
J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 79 dren in foreign lands and at home; and her love of birds, animals and the beautiful, fragile environment we all share. Her family recalls that for the past several years, right until her death, every conversation withMrs. Owen in- cluded details about the weather, the state of the Navesink River, what she had heard on the news about the envi- ronment and what wildlife she had seen. She is survived by her children, Jim Owen of Belfast, Maine; Ellen Mc- Naughton of Grand Rapids, Mich.; John Owen of St. Petersburg, Fla.; and Jeff Owen of Marshall, N.C.; seven grandchildren and two great-grand- children. In her memory, friends and family are encouraged to make dona- tions to a local environmental organi- zation of their choice or to Douglass College. John Theodore (J.T.) Rosen- quist , 66, a retired FSO, died of esophageal cancer on Sept. 16, 2009, in Milroy, Pa. An engineer, beloved husband and father, iconoclast and former Voice of America Power Plant Supervisor, Mr. Rosenquist was born on June 12, 1943, in San Rafael, Calif., the oldest child of Newton and Blanche Rosenquist. After enlisting in the U.S. Air Force and serving in Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan, he attended Parks College in St. Louis, Mo., receiving his B.Sc. in aero- nautical engineering. He worked for some years as a testing engineer for LockheedMartin and Boeing, and was eventually offered a position with the Voice of America. As a member of the U.S. Informa- tion Agency’s Foreign Service, Mr. Rosenquist supervised as many as 300 locally employed staff and managed million-dollar budgets for fuel and equipment in places as varied as Liberia, Morocco and Greece. His work on the generator plants in the Philippines after the Pinatubo eruption enabled their continued functioning, for which he was recognized with a Su- perior Honor award. He was also nominated for and ac- cepted a study year at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, where he concentrated on the “nuke” stuff. I N M E M O R Y
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