The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2011
Sophia Hubler – daughter of Stephen A. Hubler (State) and Ute Reith-Hubler; graduated from the Anglo-American School, St. Petersburg, Russia; attending Pennsylvania State University, majoring in fine arts. Sophia won for her photography submission in the Visual Arts category. Anna Turner – See Anna’s listing under the Academic Merit Award winners. Anna won for her piano submission in the Musical Arts category. Cameron Addleton – son of Hon. Jonathan S. Addleton (USAID) and Fiona M. Addleton; graduated from Mount de Sales Academy, Macon, Ga.; attending the Georgia Institute of Technology, majoring in political science. Mahalia Clark – daughter of Samuel Clark and Lisa Brodey (State); graduated from the International School of Geneva, Switzerland; attending Brown University, majoring in chemistry. Christopher Huffaker – son of Thomas K. Huffaker (State) and Claire Huffaker; graduated fromWebber Academy, Calgary, Alberta; attending Williams College with no declared major. Elizabeth Leader – daughter of Damian R. Leader (State) and Joan Leader (State); graduated from the American International School, Vienna, Austria; attending the University of Notre Dame, majoring in biological studies. Rachel Schwartz – daughter of David J. Schwartz (State) and Ruth Ellis; graduated from Washington-Lee High School, Arlington, Va.; attending the College of William & Mary, major- ing in international relations. Samantha Sidhu – daughter of Apar S. Sidhu (State) and Mary Ellen Sidhu, graduated from Lycee Mater Dei, Brussels, Belgium; attending Middlebury College, majoring in international politics and economics. Jordan Warlick – daughter of Hon. James B. Warlick, Jr. (State) and Hon. Mary B. Warlick (State), graduated from the International School of Belgrade, Serbia; attending the University of California Davis, majoring in international relations. Academic Merit Award Honorable Mention Winners Art Merit AwardWinner Katherine Skipper – daughter of Thomas Skipper (State) and Kristen B. Skipper (State); graduated from the International School of Beijing, China; attending the University of Richmond with an undeclared major. Katherine won for her creative writing submissions. A F S A N E W S Justin Kanga – son of Ardeshir F. Kanga (State) and Cecilia de Kanga; graduated from Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, Md.; attending the University of Maryland, majoring in engi- neering. Anna Turner – daughter of Conrad William Turner (State) and Susanne Turner; graduat- ed from the International School of Belgrade, Serbia; attending Pomona College with an undeclared major; designated the Turner C. Cameron Memorial Scholar and an AFSA Art Merit Honorable Mention winner. William VanKoughnett – son of Hale C. VanKoughnett (State) and Diane B. VanKoughnett; graduated from the International School of Manila, Philippines; attend- ing Harvard University, major- ing in film; designated the Joanna and Robert Martin Scholar. Ksenia Weisz – daughter of David Weisz (State) and Kaara Ettesvold (State); graduated from the John F. Kennedy School, Berlin, Germany; attending Brown University, majoring in Russian and international relations. Sarah Kelley – daughter of James T. Kelley (State) and Martha N. Kelley (State); graduated from McLean High School, McLean, Va.; attend- ing the University of Virgina, majoring in anthropology; designated the John C. Leary Memorial Scholar. Stephanie McFeeters – daughter of Brian D. McFeeters (State) and Melanie McFeeters; graduated from the International School of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; attending Dartmouth College, majoring in English; designat- ed the Turner C. Cameron Memorial Scholar. PMA Funds $4,000 AFSA Scholarship N ick Frankhouser (left), Public Members Association of the ForeignServiceScholarshipcoordinator, andAmb.C. Edward Dillery, chairmanof theAFSACommittee onEducation, join this year’s AFSA Scholarship recipient, Elise Guice, at PMA’s annual luncheon onMay 5. Scholarship Winners Honored AFSA Committee on Education Chairman C. Edward Dillery and nine local AFSA Merit Awards winners attended a May 6 reception at AFSA. Back row, left to right: Amb. Dillery, Thaddeus Jones, JohnNesemann, Alexander Recinos, Justin Kanga and Marshall Thompson. Front row, left to right: Jennifer Rollins, Sarah Kelley and Erika Cummings. DONNA AYERST J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 1 1 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 49 Art Merit Award Honorable MentionWinners Community Service Award Winner Jordan Warlick – See Jordan’s listing under the Academic Honorable Mention Winners. Best Essay Award Winner Caroline Huskey – daughter of Dr. James L. Huskey (State) and Joanne Grady Huskey; graduated from Saint Andrews Episcopal School, Potomac, Md.; attending Wake Forest University, majoring in economics.
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