The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2011
A F S A N E W S 52 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / J U L Y - A UGU S T 2 0 1 1 CLASSIFIEDS Unaccompanied but Not Alone BY GABRIELLE HAMPSON, COMMUNICATIONS & OUTREACH OFFICER, FAMILY LIAISON OFFICE M any Foreign Service families are separated when employees are assigned to a post where family members may not accompany them. This separation creates hardship for all membersof the family, but canbe especially difficult for children. They must grapple with feelings of isolation and loss, as well as live in a community that may not real- ize that aparent isnot only absent, but serv- ing in a high-risk environment. To recognize the sacrifices children makewhen their parents serve at anunac- companiedpost, the Family LiaisonOffice distributesmedals andcertificates of recog- nition toForeignService childrenup to the age of 21. The awards are given at a vari- etyof venues: the child’s end-of-year school celebrations; at ceremonies at overseasmis- sions; by a local public official; or at the annual Youth Awards Ceremony held in the StateDepartment’s BenjaminFranklin Diplomatic Reception Room. “Without the support of my family, I wouldneverhavebeenable tosurvivemen- tally. My family is the truehero,” says Jason Banks, who recently returned froma one- year assignment toPakistan. Banks nom- inated his 5-year-old son, Matthew, for a medal. Because they are unable to attend the mid-July award ceremony inWashington, Banks contacted the mayor of his home- town, Frisco, Texas. The mayor present- edMatthewwithhis award at a recent city council meeting. Since establishing the programin2006, FLO has distributed more than 2,000 awards and certificates to children. This recognitionprogramis nowavailable to all foreign affairs agency employees serving permanent change-of-station or long- term TDY assignments at designated unaccompanied or limited accompanied posts. All eligible Foreign Service, Civil Service andLocallyEngagedStaff employ- ees may submit nominations. To request amedal for your child, you may download a nomination form from FLO’s unaccompanied toursWeb page at For additional information please e-mail Proud parents Denise and Jason Banks watch as their sonMatthew receives a StateDepartment medal. LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEY WITH 30 years’ successful experience SPECIALIZING FULL-TIME IN FS GRIEVANCES will more than double your chance of winning: 30%of grievantswin before the Grievance Board; 85% of my clients win. Only a private attorney can adequately devel- op and present your case, including neces- sary regs, arcane legal doctrines, precedents and rules. Call Bridget R. Mugane at Tel: (301) 596-0175 or (202) 387-4383. E-mail: Free initial telephone consultation WILLS/ESTATE PLANNING by attorney who is a former FSO. Have your will reviewed and updated, or newone prepared: No charge for initial consultation. M. Bruce Hirshorn, Boring & Pilger, P.C. 307Maple Ave. W, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180. Tel: (703) 281-2161. Fax: (703) 281-9464. E-mail: EXPERIENCED ATTORNEYS REPRE- SENTING FS officers in grievances, perfor- mance, promotion and tenure, financial claims, discrimination anddisciplinary actions. We rep- resent FS officers at all stages of the proceed- ings froman investigation, issuanceof proposed discipline or the initiation of a grievance, through to a hearingbefore the FSGB. We pro- vide experienced, timely and knowledgeable adviceto employees from junior untenuredoffi- cers through the Senior FS, and often work closely with AFSA. Kalijarvi, Chuzi & Newman. Tel: (202) 331-9260. E-mail: LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEYS EXPERIENCED IN REP- RESENTINGFOREIGNSERVICEOFFICERS and intelligence community mem- bers in civil and criminal investigations, admin- istrative inquiries, IG issues, grievances, disci- plinary investigations, and security clearance issues. Extensive StateDepartment experience, both as counsel to the IG and in L and in rep- resenting individual officers. We have handled successfully some particularly difficult cases confronting Foreign Service and intelligence offi- cers, both before the Foreign ServiceGrievance Board and in the federal and local courts. We work closely with AFSA when appropriate and cost effective. Doumar Martin PLLC. Tel: (703) 243-3737. Fax (703) 524-7610. E-mail: Web site: LEGAL SERVICES PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: $1.40/. word (10-wordmin). Hyperlink $11.00 in online edition. Bold text 85¢/word. Header or box- shading $11 each. Deadline: 5 wks ahead of publication Tel: (202) 944-5507 Fax: (202) 338-8244. E-mail: PROFESSIONAL TAX RETURN PREP- ARATION: Forty years in public tax practice. Arthur A. Granberg, EA, ATA, ATP. Our charges are $95 per hour. Most FS returns take 3 to 4 hours. Our office is 100 feet from Virginia SquareMetro Station. TaxMatters Associates PC, 3601 North Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22201. Tel: (703) 522-3828. Fax: (703) 522-5726. E-mail: TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES
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