The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2016
Views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the AFSA USAID VP. Contact: or (202) 712-1631 USAID VP VOICE | BY SHARON WAYNE AFSA NEWS Should ConsultantsWrite Annual Evaluations? In my column this month, I want to address a disturb- ing trend. AFSA has learned from members recently that several missions are hiring expert consultants to fly out and assist with writing their annual evaluations. Annual evaluations are the single biggest factor in determining whether an FSO is promoted or tenured. It is prudent that everyone take the time to understand what is needed to meet the standards of their class and that such achievements are expressed in their annual evaluation form (AEF). But with so much at stake, it is no wonder that tensions rise high and it is obvious that transparency and fairness must be the cornerstones of the evalua- tion process. Members have reported that the contracted AEF “assistance” ranges from reviewing already writ- ten AEFs for clarity to actu- ally taking raw information directly from the employees or supervisors and writing the AEFs. Although such actions may have been well-inten- tioned, they are nonetheless shortsighted. The implica- tions of sanctioned expert consultants working on some employees’ AEFs, while others don’t receive this benefit, are understand- ably troubling (this poten- tially gives select employees an advantage in the perfor- mance board review, promo- tion ranking and tenure decisions). On April 25, 2016, AFSA requested that Human Capi- tal and Talent Management provide immediate clarity on the situation and indicate what mitigating steps would be taken to eliminate any unfair advantage. HCTM’s initial response was that they were not aware of the trend, but a later follow-up stated: “Foreign Service Officers, raters as well as the rated employees, use a variety of resources and techniques to finalize their self-assess- ments and/or manage AEF evaluations. … However, in all cases, the person sign- ing the AEF as the rater is ultimately responsible for the content under their signature.” In researching the topic, AFSA notes that Automated Directives Systems 461.3.6 Final AEF states: “Using mu l- tiple sources of information described in 461.3.5, the rater of record must prepare the final AEF.” ADS 461.3.5 Gathering Appraisal Information stat es that rating officials must base employee performance appraisals on multiple sources of information, including the following: a. Direct observation of performance and evalua- tion of representative work products; b. The employee’s self- assessment of performance; c. Information solicited from individuals who can provide informed views of the employee’s performance during the rating cycle (360-degree input sources); d. If rating a supervisor, the Rating Official must receive comments from at least two subordinates; and e. All appraisal input forms (AIFs) received from Rating Officials. According to ADS 461.3.5.2 360 Degree Input Sources, raters are allowed to solicit 360-degree input from other sources deemed appropriate (however “c” above states the source should be familiar with the employee’s work during that rating cycle). Further, ADS 461.3.1.5 Annual Evaluation Form (AID Form 461-1), Section 7 – Assessment of Perfor- mance, Skills, and Potential prescribes: “Rating Officials prepare a written assess- ment of the employee’s performance, skills, and potential. Rating Officials indicate the 360 degree sources used. Rating Offi- cials indicate whether or not the employee met individual work objectives.” AFSA contends that hiring consultants does not conform to the meaning of seeking input from “other sources deemed appropri- ate” under ADS 461.3.5.2. In any case, the rater is required, per above, to indi- cate the 360-degree input used. If USAID’s efforts to transform HCTM are to be successful, trust and transparency must be the foundation. AFSA invites members to send their thoughts on these topics to ebethmann@ n The implications of sanctioned expert consultants working on some employees’ AEFs, while others don’t receive this benefit, are understandably troubling. THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JULY-AUGUST 2016 79
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