The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2017

24 JULY-AUGUST 2017 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL ministers picked up to hammer out the final Paris Agreement. Remarkably, Sec. Kerry participated actively throughout most of the final two-week Paris conference, huddling with the U.S. negotiating team, prodding other ministers and interven- ing from the floor at critical junctures during round-the-clock negotiations over the final text. Such strong and sustained politi- cal firepower from Pres. Obama and Sec. Kerry on down gave a huge lift to rank-and-file negotiators, particularly during the final stages of the UNFCCC’s relentless series of meetings heading into and at Paris. The Role of the Foreign Service Historically, State’s career civil servants have been the core of the U.S. government’s climate team supporting politically appointed lead negotiators. Their expertise encompasses multilateral negotiations as well as the many dimensions of climate such as clean energy, forestry and land use, adaptation and climate finance. Their creativity and skill in developing and implementing climate assistance programs led directly to fostering positive impact on the ground with developing coun- tries, thereby building the goodwill and mutual understanding E nvironment, Science, Technology & Health (ESTH) jobs offer great opportunities for our best FSOs to shine. You need not be a scientist or a physician to tackle these issues. You already have the requisite intel- lectual and communications skills to be an FSO. Here are some tips on how to be an effective ESTH officer, and maybe also have some fun along the way. Connect your ESTH work to broader U.S. govern- ment and mission goals (e.g., security, prosperity and democracy). Help your front office see the links between ESTH issues and other priorities. You may also find syner- gies where you least expect them (e.g., your Mil Group or Narcotics Affairs Section might have assets that can help in combating illegal wildlife traffickers, not just the usual suspects). And pay attention to what top U.S. government leaders are saying and doing. You can bet that host country ministers and other counterparts do the same. Get out and meet people in their own habitat. Find out their priorities and what they think. Calling on coun- terparts is about more than expanding your “contacts.” It is about building relationships and trust. Go to their place, and ask about their views and priorities. This helps you learn about what is really going on and enables you to provide better-informed reporting to Washington. Build- ing trust quietly with counterparts puts deposits in the “emotional bank account” that you may later need to draw on when the chips are down. Look for ways that U.S. interests might intersect with those of your counterparts. Demonstrating genu- ine attentiveness to their concerns, not just those of the United States, can open up possibilities for closer coopera- tion and win/win outcomes. Be entrepreneurial. Yes, budgets are tight. But you can still exploit opportunities to harness and showcase American know-how. For example, pay attention to country clearance requests. You may discover an impending visit of a U.S. expert or a routine port call by American research vessels that could open up greater opportunities for official engagements or public outreach. Make friends with your Public Affairs Section. ESTH issues often offer a bright spot in what might otherwise be difficult bilateral relations. Turn those pro forma scientific exchanges, document signings, ribbon-cuttings and the like into opportunities to drive ESTH-oriented public diplomacy messages. If you’re in a separate ESTH unit, be sure to form a tight team with your Econ, FCS and FAS colleagues. You’ll likely find common interests—e.g., promoting the export of U.S. goods and services in clean technology or U.S. know-how in sustainable agriculture. Rely on and support your Locally Employed staff. They can be your secret weapon in advancing U.S. interests and avoiding pitfalls. Not only do they have the institutional memory, but they may also know the technical or contex- tual issues better than you do. They may also be well- connected to their home country’s officials and thought leaders. —Tim Lattimer AN ESTH OFFICER’S TRICKS OF THE TRADE