The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2017

38 JULY-AUGUST 2017 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Some posts have areas where nothing can be built— here the array can be mounted on the ground, which is the least expensive option. Figure 2. The State Department’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations is installing solar and wind power technologies around the world. The three dark blue dots shown on this map represent installed wind turbines. The orange dots represent installed solar systems, and the gold dots are solar systems under construction or being planned. The size of the dot indicates the relative size of the system—larger dots, larger systems; smaller dots, smaller systems. U.S.STATEDEPARTMENT/OBO in technology and falling component prices, such as the silicon used to fabricate the crystalline panels. Current depart- ment-owned systems are estimated to gener- ate electricity for as low as $0.10 to $0.15/kWh, making the systems cost effective for posts paying higher than $0.15/kWh for power. The lower cost allows for broader worldwide deployment and greater energy independence and security for our missions. Location The third key is locating a place on government-owned prop- erty to install the array: size matters as much as unobstructed sunshine. Canopies over staff parking lots are prime candidates for solar arrays. Staff parking lots are typically not candidates for future building projects, and even with the added cost of building a structure to support the array, the extra benefits of shading vehicles, ease of accessible maintenance and possible rainwater capture make them pre- ferred sites. Some posts have areas where nothing can be built—here the array can be mounted on the ground, which is the least expensive option. Arrays can be mounted on building roofs, but this complicates long-termmaintenance of both the system and the roof. Local Support and Regular Checkups For the most part, these systems need little care or feeding as they passively lower the cost of your electricity bill. Dust will build up, but is often washed away naturally by rain. If not, then cleaning can improve productivity; but the cleaning may cost more than the increased productivity. Calculate the benefit before you bring out the hose. A general weekly observation tour is recommended to make