The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2019

14 JULY-AUGUST 2019 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL especially vulnerable to labor and sexual exploitation. They also integrate activi- ties to counter trafficking in persons into broader U.S. development programs. Each of these anti-trafficking pro- grams makes a unique, significant and complementary contribution to reducing slavery and trafficking and to assisting those who are victimized. The programs help countries protect child and adult victims, prosecute and deter perpetrators, and prevent slavery from taking root in vulnerable communities. It is critical that we also work harder to reduce demand for commercial sex by holding buyers accountable and fight online sex trafficking and sexual exploita- tion. What is illegal offline must also be illegal online. Through my Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA), H.R. 1865, which became law in April 2018, Congress took steps to hold accountable online businesses that facilitate trafficking and prostitution. This is a global fight, however, and we must work with partners to ensure that no country enables online trafficking. Remaining a Reliable Partner America excels at helping our partners build capacity, good governance practices and democratic institutions. And coun- tries around the world want—and need— us to remain a reliable partner. I believe there is a bipartisan con- sensus in Congress that understands how important the Foreign Service is in achieving these goals. We support your mission and will ensure you have the tools you need to advance our priorities and safeguard our interests abroad. Together, we are more than capable of overcoming the challenges we face. I thank you for your service and your dedi- cation to our country. n