The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2020
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JULY-AUGUST 2020 25 American Ambassadors’ unequivocal condemnation of “our society’s stub- born resistance to addressing institu- tionalized racism” makes this clear. Our military is showing the way— the June 3 online conversation between airmen and then U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright is an example we could emulate at State. The candor of the new Air Force Chief of Staff General Charles Q. Brown Jr.’s highly personal June 5 statement is searing about what the challenge is. Both videos should be required viewing on how to start the conversation. This is a moment of great hope that things can change in America. That is why Fatima and I joined an early Black Lives Matter street protest over the death of George Floyd. Let’s be honest with ourselves, however: Would State be taking any additional steps on race had there been no video of George Floyd’s death? The answer is probably not; but now that it is, let’s go further. Let’s call what we are dealing with what it is: racism. We have the problem like every other part of American society. Use the word. Let’s have the genuinely open conversation about racism at State that we need. n Speaking Out is the Journal ’s opinion forum, a place for lively discussion of issues affecting the U.S. Foreign Service and American diplomacy. The views expressed are those of the author; their publication here does not imply endorse- ment by the American Foreign Service Association. Responses are welcome; send them to
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