The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2023

40 JULY-AUGUST 2023 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Throughout its five decades, TLG has been a dynamic force for progress at the State Department and in the foreign affairs community broadly. Membership is open to all employees of the foreign affairs agencies. The strength and effectiveness of TLG’s work was abundantly apparent at the anniversary celebration. The group’s 2022-2024 action plan promises to deepen that success. On the Shoulders of Giants TLG Vice President Krystle Norman welcomed guests with a reminder of the group’s importance and responsibilities. “We have and will continue to make important contributions to the formulation, articulation, and implementation of foreign policy,” she stated. “The responsibility to shape and strengthen this insti- tution that has become the leading voice for African American and foreign affairs professionals of color is one that neither I nor the board take lightly. We stand on the shoulders of giants, lean on the counsel of our pioneers, and work every day to forge a future filled with resilience and unwavering optimism. TLG is truly a family, a legacy, and a community deeply rooted in its past and fiercely devoted to its future.” The ceremony included announcement of the 2023 TLG Pioneer Award winners: Ambassador (ret.) C. Steven McGann and Ambassador (ret.) Pamela Bridgewater. TLG Pioneers are distinguished by their contributions to foreign policy and their commitment to mentorship. The awards were established to honor awardees’ achievements and, at the same time, spotlight what’s possible for aspiring new members. The Pioneer Award is given to individuals who have invested in the recruitment, retention, empowerment, support, advocacy, sponsorship, and/ or mentorship of Foreign Service and Civil Service people of color in the foreign affairs agencies, within or outside of the TLG representational community. Some of TLG’s newest members presented the awards, and in doing so, they expressed their gratitude for TLG’s support and offered insight into the power of its programs. In intro- ducing Amb. McGann, State Department intern and new TLG member Ghaida Ahmed said: “Discovering TLG was one of the best parts of my experiences at the State Department. I’m a current master’s candidate at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced and International Studies. And after graduation I hope to join the State Department as a foreign affairs officer. Over the summer I had the honor and privilege of interning at the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor under the Office of Near Eastern Affairs. My experience was nothing short of extraordinary.” She continued: “At the time, however, interns were not being paid as they are now. To my complete surprise upon the completion of the 10-week program, I received a call from board members of TLG and ABAA [the Association of Black American Ambassadors] letting me know that I was going to be receiving a stipend [to defray internship expenses] for my time and dedica- tion. I’m so grateful that organizations like TLG exist, because they have highlighted to me that Black Americans not only have an honorable place at this distinguished agency but can also make venerable achievements while making history, as many of you all have done.” Amb. McGann was founder of the international consulting firmThe Stevenson Group and a retired Senior Foreign Ser- vice officer with the rank of Minister-Counselor. He was U.S. ambassador to the Republics of Fiji, Nauru, and Kiribati, the Kingdom of Tonga, and Tuvalu. He also served as the deputy commandant and international affairs adviser of the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy at the National Defense University. Amb. McGann served two tours at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations covering issues Past TLG presidents with Secretary Antony Blinken (left to right): Stacy Williams, Amb. Pamela Bridgewater, Amb. Teddy Taylor, Amb. Aurelia Brazeal, Secretary Blinken, Amb. Ruth Davis, Amb. Gail Mathieu, Amb. Steven McGann, and Yolonda Kerney. JAVONROWE