The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2023

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JULY-AUGUST 2023 7 103 Reflections Is Iran Back to 1979? By Ge o r ge L amb r a k i s 106 Local Lens Petra, Jordan By L a r r y Ma n d e l On the Cover— Adapted from art by Jing Jing Tsong/Theispot. Marketplace 97 Lodging 98 Real Estate 101 Classifieds 102 Index to Advertisers FOREIGN SERVICE 8 President’s Views A Fond but Cautionary Farewell By E r i c Ru b i n 11 Letter from the Editor Tragic Markers and Progress Milestones By Sh awn Do rma n 21 Speaking Out Boomerang Diplomats? Another Look at Reappointment By So n n e t Fr i s b i e Perspectives Departments 12 Letters 16 Talking Points 88 In Memory 94 Television AFSA NEWS THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION 59 Results of AFSA’s 2023-2025 Governing Board Election and Bylaw Amendments 60 State VP—Looking Back on Four Years as State VP 61 USAID VP—(Best) Places toWork—Let’s Do Better 62 Retiree VP—The Journey Continues 62 PCS: Know Before You Go 63 Foreign Service Day Remembrances and Activities 65 AFSA Co-Hosts Book Launch Event 65 Senate Recognizes Foreign Service Day 66 Book Notes: The Secret Gate with Mitchell Zuckoff 67 AFSAWelcomes Newest FS Members 68 AFSA Hosts Road Scholars 68 AFSAWebinars Help Active-Duty Members Prepare for Retirement 68 AFSA Governing Board Meeting, May 17, 2023 71 2021-2023 AFSA Governing Board Term Report 63