The Foreign Service Journal, September 2003

inevitable and to which I believe you can make a significant contribution.” Notwithstanding these expres- sions of support, I am well aware that there are some, not only outside the Foreign Service but even within its ranks, who regard any disagree- ment or even a call for continued discussion on policies to be insubor- dinate, even unpatriotic. But to me, our country is stronger precisely because it stands for free speech and dialogue and protection of the rights of all. America becomes weaker if we discourage a diversity of ideas and opinions, particularly when the policies in question call for military action that inherently results in loss of life, and could determine the des- tiny of a nation — or perhaps two. As I write, it’s been three months since I resigned, and I do not regret my decision. However, while I have now left the Foreign Service, I want to wish good luck to my former col- leagues in representing America in these challenging times! ■ Ann Wright was an FSO from 1987 until 2003, when she resigned from the Service while serving as Deputy Chief of Mission in Ulaanbaatar. She was also DCM in Sierra Leone, Micronesia and (for a short time) Afghanistan, and had assignments in Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Grenada, Nicaragua and Washington, D.C. She also attended the Naval War College and was a Pearson Fellow in the office of the governor of Hawaii. She received the State Department’s Award for Heroism for her work as charge d’affaires for lead- ing the evacuation of a large part of the international community from Sierra Leone in 1997. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Ms. Wright was in the U.S. Army/Army Reserves and partici- pated in civil reconstruction after military operations in Grenada and Somalia. She attained the rank of colonel during 26 years of military service. Ms. Wright now lives in Honolulu and plans to remain active in inter- national affairs. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 3 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 19 S P E A K I N G O U T