The Foreign Service Journal, September 2003
uation which has been true at sever- al other posts where I’ve served), nor is there an IRM representative on our Emergency Action Committee. I believe this situation persists as a result of the vacuum of knowledge among this post’s senior manage- ment team. They are simply unaware of the activities at post which require IRM attendance. I do not believe it is because the FSOs themselves have been too lazy or aloof to seek out exactly what it is their IRM staffers are supposed to be doing. The information has simply never been provided to them. This is where I believe a significant portion of resolving the issue lies. Information regarding post personnel structure and responsibilities should be provided to all Foreign Service employees at every stage of their career in formal training activities. From A-100 to the Senior Seminar, specialist issues and activities should be discussed in fine detail so everyone has a clear understanding of the contributions being made by all personnel at post and how they perform important functions in their capacity of being significantly valuable members of the mission’s team. If something of this nature is currently being attempted, it’s obvi- ous the approach is failing miser- ably. All initial training courses should be specifically geared to insuring all students are fully prepared to perform the full range of their duties upon arrival at post. I am currently unaware of a State- specific profession where it can be said this is being accomplished. For example, junior officers should arrive at post with the ability to draft telegrams from scratch without having to use a template or macro. They should know exactly how the management team is structured, and whom to approach on a given issue — whether it’s reserving a vehicle for official transportation, requesting F O C U S S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 3 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 59 Once everyone becomes more familiar with where everyone else fits into the grand scheme of things, the walls will come down. You know that intimate, boutique all-suite hotel that everyone wants to find? The one that has cutting-edge style and service, but is still reasonably priced? You just found it! • Located minutes from State Department Headquarters • Government per diem accepted all year • Newly Renovated suites with full kitchens • Visit our new restaurant “Dish” For more information please visit or call (202) 337-7600. L OTS OF S TYLE , N OT A LOT OF P R I CE 9 2 4 2 5 T H S T R E E T , NW W A S H I N G T O N , DC 2 0 0 3 7
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