The Foreign Service Journal, September 2004
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 85 George H. W. Bush Museum and Library in College Station, Texas, was the exhi- bition’s next venue. Former President Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush opened the exhibition, where he wrote the message, “God bless them all.” Two additional venues in Florida also drew significant crowds. “After 9/11” is now at the Jimmy Carter Center in Atlanta, Ga., for the third anniversary of the attacks. In the winter of 2005, the exhibition will travel to Nevada. There will be a place for the “After 9/11” exhibition for years to come, to remind us all that during one of our worst national tragedies, the world was there to offer sympathy and hope. Priscilla Rachun Linn, D.Phil., the curator of the “After 9/11” exhibi- tion, works in the Bureau of Public Affairs’ United States Diplomacy Center.
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