The Foreign Service Journal, September 2006

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 47 o perceptive observers involved on the ground in post-conflict situations, it is becom- ing clear that if these states are ever to get back on their feet, the peacekeeping operations must go beyond security work and election management to a broader approach that incorporates steps toward good governance and economic sustainability. Even some of the U.S. Special Forces personnel operating in Afghanistan came to judge their own suc- cess not in security terms but in terms of the need to “buy locally, hire locally,” according to an Atlantic Monthly article F O C U S O N U.N. R E F O R M R AISING P EACEKEEPING D IVIDENDS H OW CAN WE BOOST LOCAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN DIFFICULT OVERSEAS ENVIRONMENTS ? C ONSIDER THE EXPERIENCE OF SOME U.N. MISSIONS . B Y G ARY G RAY T Poul Hans Lange