The Foreign Service Journal, September 2006

familiar international contractors, but it also appeared that these rules could be worked around when there was an overriding need to procure locally. U.N. policy is to pay for goods and services only after delivery, and this disqualifies many small local firms lacking the necessary startup capital. It was striking that this policy was widely cited by officials in most missions as a major obstacle to local procure- ment. Yet in the new Sudan mis- sion, where there had been strong incentives to find local contractors to work in areas where internationals were reluctant to go, waivers to this policy were routinely obtained so that Sudanese contractors could be provided with the necessary funds up-front. In some missions it was clear that procurement offi- cers had relatively little contact and familiarity with their local and even international con- tractors. On occasion, I even encountered problems obtaining current contact information for these firms. A number of officials, some citing ongoing investigations of U.N. procurement irregularities, explained the need to maintain dis- tance from contractors to avoid the appearance of favoritism or collu- sion. Again, however, the more dedicated, energetic mission per- sonnel seemed to be able to work around these concerns and find ways to engage the con- tractors effectively. Political Factors In assessing the prospects for enhancing UNPKO impact on local economies, one cannot ignore the overall state of governance in these countries. Clearly, the more F O C U S S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 51 Complex procurement rules provide convenient pretexts for officials who find it easier to deal with the more familiar international contractors. Interim Accommodations for Corporate and Government Markets Apartments, Townhouses & Single Family Homes “FOR THE EXECUTIVE ON THE MOVE” Locations throughout Northern Virginia and D.C. Units fully furnished, equipped and accessorized Many “Walk to Metro” locations Pet Friendly 5105-L Backlick Road, Annandale, Virginia Tel: (703) 354-4070 Fax: (703) 642-3619 Executive Lodging Alternatives