The Foreign Service Journal, September 2006

S E P T EMB E R 2 0 0 6 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 73 guished guests today, LeslieGelb): ‘Career professionals arebeingmost loyalwhenthey arebeingcandidwith theirbosses about sit- uations, and when they press for a serious examinationofpolicy.’ EdwardR.Murrow, in his famous quote during theMcCarthy era, said that ‘we must never confuse dis- sentwithdisloyalty.’ It isAFSA’s viewthat American foreign policy can only benefit from an open and candid debate of the issues among our Foreign Service profes- sionals.” Dr. James Schlesinger, a former secre- tary of Defense and CIA director, present- ed the Lifetime Contributions Award to Amb. Abramowitz, whom he has known formanyyears. Dr. Schlesinger spoke fond- lyofAmb. Abramowitz, callinghimamar- velous person, imaginative, unbelievably energeticandasplendidpublicservantinside and outside government. He noted that Abramowitz “habitually told truths for his country,” and was “an aggressive interna- tionalist.” In accepting the award, Abramowitz offered memories of working with Schlesinger over the years, fondly recalling the 1970s debates between then-Secretary of Defense Schlesinger and then-Secretary ofStateHenryKissinger. Abramowitzspoke criticallyof the IraqWar, commenting that “American foreignpolicydoes not needan exit strategy, but a strategy. Staying the course is not a strategy.” He added that the ForeignService “has a responsibility topro- vide candor.” Constructive Dissent Awards This year’sConstructiveDissentAwards wenttofourForeignServiceofficersandspe- cialists who demonstrated extraordinary accomplishments and professionalism involving initiative, integrity, intellectual courage or constructive dissent. The Christian A. Herter Award was presented toAmbassadorMichael E. Guest, current- lydeanof theLeadershipandManagement School at FSI, by Amb. Edward Gibson Lanpher. Guestwas honored forhis efforts to push the State Department to end dis- criminationagainstMembersofHousehold and all unmarried partners of Foreign Service employees. In his remarks, Guest thankedAFSA“forgivingtheissuetheatten- tion it deserves.” TheWilliamR.RivkinAwardfor amid- level officer was presented to Richard S. Sacks, from Embassy Panama City, by CharlesRivkin. Sacks calledattentionto the negative effect that the poor treatment of PanamanianMuslims atU.S. ports of entry washavingonAmerica’s image inPanama. His dissent ultimately influenced the Department of Homeland Security’s pas- senger-screening procedures. The Tex Harris Award for a Foreign Service Specialistwas presented toKevinB. Morgan, from Embassy Minsk, by Amb. William Harrop, who noted that it was a special privilege for him to give an award to someonewhoput himself on the line to protect his staff. The winner of the W. Averell HarrimanAwardwas Christopher Allison, from U.S. Consulate Chennai. Seeing problems with the way temporary- worker visas were being processed in South India, Allison challenged the status quoandhelpedbring about changes in the procedures. Allisonwasunable to attend the ceremony, so CarolineEasterling,Harriman’s great granddaughter, presented the award to Allison’s col- league, Nyda Budig, who accepted on his behalf. Exemplary Performance Awards The M. Juanita Guess Award for a community liaison officerwaspresentedtoMartine S. McKinnie, from Embassy Yaounde, by Jon Clements, son of M. JuanitaGuess. McKinniewas honored for providing thewarmest possiblewelcome to embassy newcomers, as well as for the numerousmorale-improving activities she organized for the community. TheDelavanAward for an officeman- agement specialist was presented to Malgorzata “Gosia”Lamot, fromEmbassy Kuwait. Lamot was honored for improv- ingmorale at the embassy, inpart through a program she created called The Healthy LivingLunchBreak, bringingmanymem- bersof theembassycommunity together for exercise and professional development activities. Amb. George M. Staples, Director General of theForeignService andDirector of Human Resources at the State Department, presented a Special AFSA CertificateofAppreciationandRecognition toSenator Paul S. Sarbanes,D-Md., for his extraordinary support of U.S. diplomacy through a long, distinguished career. Sarbanes, who is retiring from the Senate this year, spokeof the importanceof diplo- A F S A N E W S AFSA Awards • Continued from page 65 Award winners at the ceremony, from left: Martine McKinnie, Margaret Riccardelli, Kevin Morgan, Nyda Budig, Richard Sacks and Amb. Michael Guest. Sen. Paul Sarbanes receives his award. From left: AFSA President Tony Holmes, Sen. Sarbanes and Director General George Staples. Lifetime achievement awardwinner Ambassador Morton Abramowitz with Dr. James Schlesinger. Continued on page 75 Mikkela Thompson Mikkela Thompson Mikkela Thompson