The Foreign Service Journal, September 2006

S E P T EMB E R 2 0 0 6 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 77 A F S A N E W S CLASSIFIEDS AFSA NEWS BRIEFS It is with much sadness that we report the August departures of two valued members of the AFSA staff. AFSA Director of Legislative Affairs Ken Nakamura joined the AFSA staff over 11 years ago and has done a remarkable job establishing and maintaining the associ- ation’s relationships on the Hill. “It is because of Ken’s skills and leadership,” says AFSA Executive Director Susan Reardon, “that AFSA can say today that our advocacy and lobbying efforts are a cornerstone of the services we provide our members and of AFSA’s stand- ing in the foreign affairs community.” Ken has accepted a position as research analyst for the Congressional Research Service. Foreign Service Journal Business Manager Mikkela Thompson started at AFSA in 2001 and worked in the membership and accounting departments before mov- ing over to the Journal in 2002. Raised in the Foreign Service (her father isWard Thompson, lifelong friend of AFSA), she has been a vital member of the FSJ team for the past four years. She not only managed Journal busi- ness, but played a key role in advertising management and did writing and editing for the magazine as well. She even served as AFSA’s unofficial photographer. She has left AFSA to pursue graduate studies full time. “Many thanks to Mikkela for her years of first-class performance at AFSA,” says TedWilkinson, Editorial Board Chair. “I hate to see this splendid Journal team lose any of its members.” Staff News ATTORNEY WITH 26 years’ successful experience SPECIALIZING FULL-TIME IN FS GRIEVANCES will more than double your chance of winning: 30% of grievants win before the Grievance Board; 85% of my clients win. Only a private attorney can ade- quately develop and present your case, including necessary regs, arcane legal doc- trines, precedents and rules. Call Bridget R. Mugane at Tel: (202) 387-4383, or (301) 596- 0175. E-mail: Free initial consultation. LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEY, FORMER FOREIGN SER- VICE OFFICER: Extensive experience w/ tax problems unique to the Foreign Service. Available for consultation, tax planning, and preparation of returns: M. Bruce Hirshorn, Boring & Pilger, P.C. 307 Maple Ave. W, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180. Tel: (703) 281-2161. Fax: (703) 281-9464. E-mail: PROFESSIONAL TAXRETURNPREPA- RATION: Thirty years in public tax practice. Arthur A. Granberg, EA, ATA, ATP. Our charges are $75 per hour. Most FS returns take 3 to 4 hours. Our office is 100 feet from Virginia Square Metro Station, Tax Matters Associates PC, 3601 North Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22201. Tel: (703) 522-3828. Fax: (703) 522-5726. E-mail: WILLS/ESTATE PLANNING by attorney who is a former FSO. Have your will reviewed and updated, or newone prepared: No charge for initial consultation. M. Bruce Hirshorn, Boring & Pilger, P.C. 307Maple Ave. W, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180. Tel: (703) 281-2161. Fax: (703) 281-9464. E-mail: TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES VIRGINIAM. TEST, CPA: Tax service spe- cializing in Foreign Service/overseas contrac- tors. Contact info: Tel : (804) 695-2939. Fax: (804) 695-2958. E-mail: FREE TAX CONSULTATION : For over- seas personnel. We process returns as received, without delay. Preparation and rep- resentation by Enrolled Agents. Federal and all states prepared. Includes “TAX TRAX” unique mini-financial planning reviewwith rec- ommendations. Full planning available. Get the most from your financial dollar! Financial Forecasts Inc., Barry B. De Marr, CFP, EA, 3918 Prosperity Ave. #230, Fairfax, VA 22031 Tel: (703) 289-1167. Fax: (703) 289-1178. E-mail: F I NANC I AL CONSULTANTS : Kirkpatrick and Eisen Group, RBC Dain Rauscher, Washington, D.C. For information, please contact teammember and retired FSO Stephen Thompson at (202) 408-4563, or, RBC Dain Rauscher, Member NYSE/SIPC. JACOB FORBAI, CPA/MS: Affordable expatriate tax solutions, compliance, planning, preparation for U.S. citizens & aliens world- wide. 20+ years experience. Tel: (301) 608-2248. E-mail: TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ROLAND S. HEARD, CPA 1091 Chaddwyck Dr. Athens, GA 30606 Tel/Fax: (706) 769-8976 E-mail: • U.S. income tax services • Practiced before the IRS F IRST C ONSULTATION F REE WWW . ROLANDSHEARDCPA . COM