The Foreign Service Journal, September 2011

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 67 Georgetown University. During World War II Mr. Johnson served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Bagley in the South Pacific theater from 1942 to 1944. Following the war, he worked for the Clow Corporation. In 1947, he entered the State De- partment’s Civil Service, serving in the Office of Chinese Affairs until 1951, when he joined the Foreign Service. His first overseas assignment was as a consular officer to the U.S. legation in Hong Kong. There he met his future bride, Patricia Rose Brown, who was working as consular assistant. The cou- ple married on July 14, 1954. Subsequent assignments included Canada, Poland and, twice, Yugoslavia —whereMr. Johnson served, first, as a political officer under Ambassador George F. Kennan (1962-1963) and later as deputy chief of mission under Ambassador Malcolm Toon (1971- 1974). He served as DCM in Bulgaria (1963-1965) and as minister counselor and chargé d’affaires in Brazil (1974- 1978). There he hosted a state visit by President Jimmy Carter. He also served as political counselor in Rio de Janeiro (1969-1971). In the department he served as Pol- ish and Baltic States desk officer and di- rector of the Office of Regional Political Programs. He was also assigned to the U.S. delegation to the United Nations, where he served on the U.N. Commit- tee on Decolonization. After retiring from the Foreign Service in 1980, Mr. Johnson became president of the International Federa- tion on Aging (1981-1983), followed by stints as president of the U.S.-Yugoslav Economic Council and then as presi- dent of the Council for Southeastern Europe. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife of 56 years, Patricia Brown Johnson, of Washington, D.C.; his brother, Robert M. Johnson of McMinnville, Ore., and his sister, Elizabeth Dale DePeyster of Orange City, Fla.; his son, Richard F. Johnson of Maple Park, Ill.; his daugh- ter, Elizabeth C. Craig of New York, N.Y.; and six grandchildren: Silas, El- speth and Nathaniel Johnson and Car- oline, Hilary and Cecily Craig. I N M E M O R Y