The Foreign Service Journal, September 2012

64 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / S E P T EMB E R 2 0 1 2 A F S A N E W S LEGAL SERVICES ATTORNEYWITH31 YEARs’ successful experience SPECIALIZING FULL-TIME IN FS GRIEVANCES will more than double your chance of winning: 30%of grievants win before the Grievance Board; 85%of my clients win. Only a private attorney can adequately develop and present your case, including necessary regs, arcane legal doctrines, precedents and rules. Call Bridget R. Mugane at: Tel: (301) 596-0175 or (202) 387-4383. E-mail: Free initial telephone consultation EXPERIENCEDATTORNEYs REPREsENTINGFs officers in griev- ances, performance, promotion and tenure, financial claims, discrim- ination and disciplinary actions. We represent FS officers at all stages of the proceedings from an investigation, issuance of proposed disci- pline or the initiation of a grievance, through to a hearing before the FSGB. We provide experienced, timely and knowledgeable advice to employees from junior untenured officers through the Senior FS, and often work closely with AFSA. Kalijarvi, Chuzi & Newman. Tel: (202) 331-9260. E-mail: WILLs/EsTATE PLANNING by attorney who is a former FSO. Have your will reviewed and updated, or new one prepared: No charge for initial consultation. M. Bruce Hirshorn, Boring & Pilger, P.C. 307 Maple Ave. W, Suite D, Vienna VA 22180. Tel: (703) 281-2161. Fax: (703) 281-9464. E-mail: ATTORNEYs EXPERIENCED IN representing Foreign Service offi- cers and intelligence community members in civil and criminal inves- tigations, administrative inquiries, IG issues, grievances, disciplinary inves- tigations and security clearance issues. Extensive State Department experience, both as counsel to the IGand in L, and in representing indi- vidual officers. We have handled successfully some particularly diffi- cult cases confronting Foreign Service and intelligence officers, both before the ForeignServiceGrievanceBoard and in the federal and local courts. We work closely with AFSAwhen appropriate and cost-effec- tive. Doumar Martin PLLC. Tel: (703) 243-3737. Fax: (703) 524-7610. E-mail: Web site: CONTACT THE WEALTH COUNsELOR TheWealth Counselor, LLC is an estate and asset protection planning law firm. We help U.S. citizens worldwide gain the peace of mind that only financial planning canbring. Our clients find it comforting that we’re available at themost convenient times for themwherever they are, and that we employ modern technology — Skype, efax, IM — to get the job done across time zones. Lisa McCurdy Tel: (202) 552-7383. Fax: (888) 644-8504. Web site: Skype: thewealthcounselor/ Twitter: twcofdc TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES PROFEssIONAL TAX RETURNPREPARATION: Forty years inpub- lic tax practice. Arthur A. Granberg, EA, ATA, ATP. Our charges are $95 per hour. Most FS returns take 3 to 4 hours. Our office is 100 feet from Virginia Square Metro Station. Tax Matters Associates PC, 3601 North Fairfax Dr., Arlington VA 22201. Tel: (703) 522-3828. Fax: (703) 522-5726. E-mail: TA X & FINANCIAL SERVICES CLASSIFIEDS T he Senior LivingFoundationof theAmericanForeignService will host its 5thPlanning for Change Seminar onThursday, Sept. 20. The eventwill beheldat theCourtyardbyMarriott, 1600Rhode IslandAve.N.W.,Washington,D.C. All AFSAmem- bers are cordially invited. Once again, the program will include esteemed speakers dis- cussing relevant topics: THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA) AND THE FEHB PROGRAM. Adiscussion of how the ACAmight affect employ- ees and retirees in the FEHB Program. Speaker: Daniel Green, Deputy Director for Healthcare and Insurance, Office of Personnel Management. THE FOUR SEASONS OF PREVENTION. Staying healthy is a year-roundundertaking, especially once you are in theGolden Years. Learnwhat you shouldbe doing every spring, summer, fall and winter to promote your own good health and how to iden- tify medical problems before they become serious. Speaker: Dr. Charles H. Rosenfarb, Deputy Medical Director, U.S. Department of State. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION FOR SENIORS. A dis- cussion on exciting new research on medications for conditions affecting seniors. Speaker: Dr. Robert Epstein, President, EF Associates, LLC. UPCOMING CHANGES TO STATE RETIREMENT SYS- TEMS. A brief discussion on the new Global Foreign Affairs Compensation System, Annuitant Express changes and other upcoming processing changes affecting you. Speaker: Jeffrey Mounts, Managing Director, Global Compensation, Office of the Comptroller/Global Financial Services. WILLSANDTRUSTS. A discussion of important legal doc- uments. Speaker: JonathanKinney, Partner, Bean, Kinney andKorman, P.C. Space is limited. Please RSVP by Friday, Sept. 7, at www., by e-mail at, or by phone at (202) 887-8170. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Planning for Change Seminar